4th January , Saturday

22 0 0

Hani's Parents' House , 08.45...
V smiles : ...
Hani : Hello
V : Hello , good morning
Hani : Good morning
V hugs Hani : You looks pretty *kiss Hani's head*
Hani smiles : You too , my handsome boyfriend
V chuckles : Beautiful *waves*
Hani : Who's that ?
V : Your Mom
Hani : Gosh *chuckles*
V chuckles : Let's go
Hani : Yes *looks back & waves*
V wraps arm around Hani : Are you excited ?
Hani : Mm
V : It'll be a great day
Hani smiles : ...

Gwangan Hound Hotel , meanwhile...
Solji stretches : Mm...
Jimin : Good morning
Solji looks at Jimin & smiles : ... *looks around* Hold on , where are we ?
Jimin : We're in a hotel room...
Solji : Pardon ?
Jimin : Sorry , Noona was so tired , I decided to book a hotel...
Solji smiles : It's okay , thank you
Jimin : In case Noona's worried , nothing happened , I'm a good boyfriend
Solji chuckles : Are you sure ?
Jimin : I mean... Noona's a even better kisser when she's drunk *smirks*
Solji : 야 *hits Jimin gently*
Jimin : We only cuddled , I swear
Solji nods : Alright *sits up*
Jimin sits up : I went out and bought clothes , I don't know if Noona can wear them , I didn't check Noona's size
Solji holds laugh : Jimin-ah *gets up*
Jimin : Why ? I'm serious , what ? You want me to check your clothes tag when you're asleep ?
Solji : No , but you didn't had to mention it
Jimin laughs : Go shower first
Solji : Yes
Jimin : I thought it would be easy to buy clothes , but holding Noona's waist and buying clothes are really different
Solji : 야 , stop it...
Jimin : Alright , alright *laughs*

Ihwa Mural Village , 11.23...
Hani : This is really nice
V : But it's not a dating spot
Hani : It's okay , me and you enjoy photography . Being here is nice enough , doing our favourite activities together and taking nice pictures on the way
V smiles : That's why I like you
Hani : Honestly , I thought you would go for the other members
V : I don't think I can
Hani : Pardon ? Why ?
V : For Solji Noona , I think she's hard to love
Hani laughs : Why ?
V : I don't know , maybe because Noona is so used to being independent ? I can't picture myself with her
Hani : Ah...
V : LE Noona... I feel like I'm not up to Noona's standard *laughs* Also , Hyung is head over heels for her
Hani : That's right
V : And Noona seems hard to please
Hani : Actually , no
V : I enjoy pleasing you more
Hani purse lips : ...
V chuckles : Hyerin Noona is way too motherly for me , it's weird
Hani : But a lot of people likes that Hyerin is skilled
V : I want to do more for the girl...
Hani : Then Junghwa ?
V : First , I see Noona as a friend and never a lover... also , I don't think I can stand Junghwa Noona
Hani : She's really troublesome
V laughs : Not in that way , I don't know , I don't see us as a match either
Hani : Then... me ?
V : I'll be honest , I fell for Noona's beauty... but during the B.E year , I just liked Noona for herself *smiles* and being pretty is a bonus
Hani smiles shyly : ...
V : Noona's really nice and caring , she's willing to do things... and even after what happened , she still forgive me
Hani : You were drunk , I can understand that
V : Thank you , Noona...
Hani : Don't be sad , it's our first anniversary
V smiles : Yes *lifts camera* Look here
Hani smiles : ...

Sky Rose Garden , 18.36...
Hani : Uwa~
V : Pretty right ?
Hani : Pretty~
V : You know... no one knows about this place , not even us Korean citizens
Hani : Yes , me too !
V chuckles : Noona , you're too excited
Hani : For real , it's really nice up here
V smiles : Shall we order ?
Hani : Yes
V : But... it's a cafē , they don't serve much
Hani : It's okay , we can go for more food after this . Let's enjoy the sunset and drinks
V smiles : Yes
Hani : Americano is what we usually drink but a hot chocolate is nice...
V : Let's order one each and share
Hani : Right , you don't like coffee
V : Should we ?
Hani nods : Mm
V : What about the food ?
Hani : You pick
V : Yes
Hani : ...
V raise hand : Excuse me
Waitress walks to V : Yes , how may I help you ?
V : Yes , can I order ?
Waitress : Yes , What would you like ?
V : Can I get one Americano and one hot chocolate ?
Waitress writes in notepad : Anything else ?
V : Yes , two croissant please
Waitress : Yes , I'll be back with your orders
V smiles : Thank you
Waitress bows : ...
V looks at Hani : Are you okay ?
Hani : Huh ? Yes
V : You seem zoned out
Hani : I was thinking
V : About ?
Hani : You , admiring you
V : Sorry but you need to stop thinking *holds Hani's hand* Because I'm here *smiles*
Hani smiles : Handsome
V chuckles : Do you want to see the view ?
Hani : Yes
V : Go ahead , take some pictures and enjoy it
Hani gets up : Come with me...
V : Alright *gets up*
Hani : Yay~ *pulls V* Kk~
V chuckles : Wow
Hani : It's really nice
V : Imagine someone who lives in a place like this
Hani : It's great~ but it's tiresome to take care of the plants
V : Right
Hani : It still better to stay in a house like we have now
V : Mm *looks at Hani* What kind of house does Noona wish for ?
Hani : Pardon ?
V : You're staying with your parents...
Hani : No , Taehyung
V : No ?
Hani : No , I don't want you to buy me a house . It's stupid , for real
V thinking : What is ?
Hani : I know you guys are multi-billionaires and we're nowhere there , but I don't want to use your money unless it's for good
V nods : Alright , sorry
Hani : No , just-... don't bring it up again
V : Yes
Hani thinking : Thank you but there's no meaning in it
V : Pretty , even the weather is great
Hani : Mm
V : We're going to Namsan Tower after
Hani : Putting love locks ?
V : Do you want to ?
Hani : We'll see
V chuckles : Alright
Hani smiles : ...

Dorm , meanwhile...
LE : 야
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Junghwa : You're mean
Jimin : Why ? What did I do ?
JHope : You're just mean
LE : Control your maknae
Solji : What's this ? A maknae for each madnae ?
Junghwa : Yes
B.E laughs : Ahaha
RM : I don't know if I like that
Jungkook : Me too
Jimin : Where are the two ?
Junghwa : It's their anniversary
Hyerin : Right
Junghwa : And yesterday was yours , right ?
Solji : Yes
JHope : Perfectly placed next to each other
Jimin chuckles : It happened when we were at our hometown
Junghwa : Great
JHope : Junghwa's upset
RM : It's okay
LE : 야 , don't you have two ?
Junghwa : I don't know
Solji : What ?
Hyerin : I'm really confuse with Junghwa
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Right , when's yours and Oppa's anniversary again ?
LE : 23rd
Solji : Ooh
RM : What happened , actually ?
JHope : No , you should ask how
LE : No , I can't...
Junghwa : Unnie's shy as usual
Jungkook : It's okay , Noona . It's doesn't matter , we know you two are a couple
LE : Yes...
Hyerin : What did you say ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Did you drink ?
Jungkook : No !
Jimin : Kookie's alcohol tolerance is high
RM : Hyung too
Solji : Where's your boyfriend ?
LE : He's not here yet , why ?
Solji : Curious
Junghwa : Oppa needs his rest too
JHope : Yeah
Hyerin : Oppa's crazy
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Crazy genius
Jungkook : Shh... he might have the dorm bugged
B.E laughs : Haha

[Suga Cam]
Suga : What is this... ? Why are they talking about me like that... ? Noona should defend me , Noona's mean... I'm at Daegu resting and playing with Holly and they are making fun of me
LE : Are you a kid ?!
Suga : No
LE : 야
Suga laughs : Yes , bye !
LE : Min Yoongi !
Suga laughs : Haha

Jin's discharge [D-400]

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