26th February , Wednesday

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BigHit Recording Studio , 10.44...
Solji : You can record for this but not the FREE songs
RM : We had time
Hani : You just don't want to sing in front of us
Suga : Well... for Hobi and Noona , they needed to be the demo so we recorded for them on the way
JHope nods : I wouldn't mind recording today
Solji : So much for B.E recording
RM : What ?~ tomorrow
Hyerin : What's tomorrow ?
LE : 'Break this down'
Hyerin : Ah...
Jungkook : Noona and Hyung really are the vocalist of FREE
LE nods : Yes...
JHope : We did well
Suga : Are you going to record ?
Solji : What's your problem ?
LE : Unnie , don't
Hyerin : Just go record
Hani : Don't bother
Maknaes laughs : Haha
Jimin : Hwaiting
V : Oh , she didn't hear it
RM : Again
Jimin : Hwaiting !
Solji laughs : Yes *lifts fist*
LE chuckles : That *does thumbs up*
Jimin : I can scream for Noona
Junghwa : Yes...
Hyerin : Calm down
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Suga : I can't scream for you...
LE : It's okay *pats Suga's hand*
Solji : Making that change , you gotta believe
JHope mouthing : (Woah)
Solji : We'll look deep inside and we'll rise up and shine , we can be bold , we can be brave , let everyone see , it starts with you and me
RM mouthing : (Woah woah , hey)
Solji : It starts with you and me
RM : Okay , Noona
Junghwa : It's only 6 people's voice and it sounds good already
JHope : The last few B.E songs are meant to sound good , with or without 12 members
Hani : So we won't get criticised ?
JHope : That's one of the reason
V : I think it's meant to be relaxing , a celebration for us ?
RM : Oh
Jimin : Was that the answer ?
RM : Hey , you know the answers
Jimin : Right
V : Then it is *nods*
Hani : Unnie harmonises well with Namjoon
LE : They know
RM : Noona knows , I just follow
Hyerin : You have improved
Junghwa : Right
Jimin : Ohh
Jungkook : Jin Hyung needs to watch out
Hyerin : Hey...
Jungkook : Alright , alright , we need to watch out
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : The bridge
Solji : Mm
V : It's a little fast
Suga : We all equally have one verse , shared or not , it doesn't matter
Junghwa : Yes !
Suga : The chorus and bridge is all of us
JHope : Each vocalist has an improv
Jungkook : Ohh
Jimin : That's nice
LE nods : Right ?
JHope : FREE power
Suga : Ay ay
B.E chuckles : Hehe
RM : Last but not least , the improv
Solji : Yes
Hani : Ah , it's one of us soon
V : We can record first
Hyerin : You want to go first ?
V : Sure
Solji : Woah
RM nods : Okay , finish
Solji : Yes~ thank you
V gets up : I'll go next
RM : Alright
Jungkook pouts : ...
Junghwa : Why ?
Jungkook : Boring...
LE : Boring ?
Hani : Why ?
Jimin : Are you okay ?
Jungkook nods : Just bored
Junghwa : Should we record next and go practice ?
Jungkook : 'Dream Team' ?
Junghwa : Uh
Jungkook : I don't know , I want to but don't want to...
JHope : What's wrong ?
Jungkook shrugs : ...
Solji : Kookie's sick ?
Jungkook chuckles : No
Hyerin : Don't be like this , Kookie-ya
Suga : Take a nap , maybe you're sleepy
Jungkook nods : I will *close eyes*
Hani : Gosh...
V : Sometimes it's hard to find yourself but it's worth it in the end , 'cause in your heart is where it all begins
RM raise hand : ...
V bobs head : We gotta be bold , we gotta be brave , we gotta be free
Suga : Let's go !
V : We gotta get loud , making that change , you gotta believe... we'll look deep inside and we'll rise up and shine
Jimin : Yeah !
V : We can be bold , we can be brave , let everyone see , it starts with you and me *bobs head* it's starts with you and me
RM nods : Great
Hani : Cute
LE : He was having fun
Solji : After all , he's still a maknae
Junghwa : Oh , right
V : I promise we can work this out , I promise we can see it through , don't you know it's up to me , it's up to me and you ?~ *holds laugh* I was about to sing again
Suga : You'll break our ears
JHope : The chorus is a little like shouting
Hani : It's fun
Junghwa : It is
RM : Improv now
V nods : Yes
Hyerin puts finger at lips : ...
Junghwa whisper : He's really sleeping ?
Hyerin nods : ...
Solji whisper : Gosh , Kookie...
RM nods : Done
LE : Softer a little , Joon
RM : Yes
JHope whisper : Who's next ?
Hyerin points self : ...
Solji nods : ...
LE whisper : Are we playing a game ?
B.E laughs softly : Haha
Suga whisper : We could if you want
Hani whisper : Impromptu B.E game
Junghwa whisper : The silent game
Solji whisper : Junghwa will have a hard time
Junghwa shakes head : ...
V whisper : What's going on ?
Hani whisper : Whisper or silence only game
V whisper : Pardon ?
Jimin whisper : You have to keep quiet or be silent
V whisper : Easy~
LE whisper : Start
Suga whisper : Joonie doesn't count
RM holds laugh : Ready ?
Hyerin whisper : Yes
RM : Sigh...
Solji whisper : Hyerin-ah , you don't have to whisper
RM : You don't have to play if you're recording
Hyerin whisper : Yes
B.E holds laugh : ...
RM : Let's start *starts recording*
Hyerin : We gotta be bold , we gotta be brave , we gotta be free
RM nods : ...
Hyerin : We gotta get loud , making that change , you gotta believe
Solji mouthing : (Ohh)
Hyerin : We'll look deep inside and we'll rise up and shine , we can be bold , we can be brave , let everyone see , it starts with you and me *dances* it's starts with you and me
RM : 야... I like that
Hyerin : Ah , thank you
Jimin whisper : It's too quiet , ah...
Solji whisper : For the sake of our tired maknae
Hyerin whisper : Hey , how's it's going ?
RM : Pretty interesting , this is the first time I see B.E so quiet during recording
Hyerin : Except for the times one of the members are in a bad mood
RM laughs : Right right
Hyerin laughs : Haha
Solji whisper : You son-...
JHope whisper : Noona
Jimin holds Solji's hand : ...
Hyerin : Sometimes it's hard to find yourself , but it's worth it in the end , 'cause in your heart is where it all begins
LE whisper : That is right
Junghwa whisper : 'You and Me' is so meaningful
Hani whisper : Right
Jimin whisper : Noona isn't slipping
Hani makes face : ...
RM : Let's do the bridge
Hyerin : Yes
Jungkook coughs : ...
Suga whisper : I thought you were dead
B.E laughs softly : Haha
Jungkook : Noona's recording ?
Solji nods : ...
Jungkook : Oh...
Hyerin : I promise we can work this out , I promise we can see it through , don't you know it's up to me , it's up to me and you ?~
RM nods : Okay
Jungkook : It's quiet
B.E holds laugh : ...
V whisper : Hyung is mad
Jungkook whisper : Why ?
Jimin shrugs : ...
Hani hits V : ...
Hyerin : Oh~
Recording : Woah
Hyerin : Oh~
RM : Noona , you're done
Hyerin : Yes , thank you
RM nods : Who's next ?
Junghwa raise hand : ...
RM : Alright
Jungkook : Hwaiting
Junghwa nods : ...
B.E holds laugh : ...
Jungkook : ... ?
Suga whisper : Let's go
Hyerin whisper : Still ?
Jimin laughs : Ahaha
Hani points : Jimin
Jimin : Alright , alright
Hyerin : Loser
Jungkook : Were you playing a game ?
Solji : Yes
Jungkook : Oh...
LE : Are you okay ?
Jungkook nods : ...
Junghwa : Ah , finally
RM laughs : Haha
Junghwa : I can talk , I should take a long time
Solji : Game over
Junghwa : Who lost ?
V : Jimin Hyung
Junghwa : Ah...
RM : Should we start ?
Junghwa : Yes , please
RM : Yes *starts recording*
Junghwa : Looking back at yesterday
Jungkook : Ooh
Junghwa : I thought I gave it everything , but there's still so much road ahead of me
Hani : Oh... great
Suga : What was that ?
Hyerin : She's envious
Junghwa : Can I listen to it ?
RM : Sure *plays recording*
Recording : Looking back at yesterday I thought I gave it everything
Junghwa : ... ?
Solji : Why ?
Junghwa : No , isn't it weird ?
JHope : No
RM : We think it's okay
V : Don't overthink , Noona
RM : Do you want to record again ?
Junghwa : Ah... no , it's okay , thank you
RM : Yes , we'll do the chorus now
Junghwa : Yes
Jimin : Let's go~
Junghwa : We gotta be bold , we gotta be brave , we gotta be free
Suga : ... ?
Hani : Shouldn't this be like fun ?
Solji : Junghwa's too tensed
RM : Junghwa
Junghwa : Yes ?
RM : You need to loosen up
LE : Be confident , scream !
Hyerin : Right
Suga : But Junghwa letting the notes down like that...
V : Sounds good ?
Suga nods : Uh
RM : Lets try this... like a drum beat
Junghwa : Pardon ?
RM : Hit every last syllables
Jungkook : We gotta be bold , we gotta be brave , we gotta be free
LE : Ohh , that could work
Solji : It suits Junghwa
Suga : Jjong-i's a surprise
JHope nods : Agree
Junghwa laughs : What ?
RM : Can you try ?
Junghwa : Yes~ *writes on paper*
Hani : We'll sing like normal
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : We're not drums
Junghwa : We gotta be bold , we gotta be brave , we gotta be free
Suga copies Junghwa : ...
LE hits Suga : Don't
Junghwa : You gotta believe
Jimin : Ayy
Junghwa : We'll look deep inside *smiles* and we'll rise up and shine
JHope : Right !
RM laughs : Haha
Junghwa : We can be brave , let everyone see , it starts with you and me *bobs head* it's starts with you and me
RM nods : I like that
Jungkook : Me too
V : It was different
Suga : Junghwa's different
Hani : You're annoying
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : I'm like this
Solji : Yes , please be like this more so we're used to it instead of being annoyed at it
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : Nice
Suga gaps : I'm not fixing your broken things anymore
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Goodness
Hyerin : Unnie's done
LE : Who wouldn't be ?
RM : Junghwa , next one ?
Junghwa : Alright
JHope : Wasn't that a question ?
V : Yes ?
Maknaes laughs : Haha
Solji : 야
Maknaes purse lips : ...
Suga : Scary
Junghwa : It's up to you and me ?~
Suga : Junghwa's about to explode
Solji covers Suga's mouth : Be quiet
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : I'll kill you
RM : Solji Noona became LE Noona
Jungkook nods : ...
Junghwa : Oppa must have done something bad
Jimin : Yes , very bad
B.E : ...
LE : Is this your boyfriend ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Both have problems with one another's boyfriend
JHope : I was about to say that
LE : But Jimin is still okay
Hyerin : Just perverted
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : Noona , you-...
Hyerin : What ?
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Naver.Now is a dangerous place for Unnie now
Hyerin : I'm honest
RM : Let's record
Hani : You always do this
V : When you don't know what to say , you use the recording as an escape
Suga : Caught
Jimin : Caught in a lie~
Solji nods : ...
LE : Unnie likes it
Jimin smiles : Thank you
Junghwa : We can be brave~
Jungkook : Noona improves every comeback
Hyerin nods : Right
Solji : YOU contributed
Jimin : Right
Jungkook : A little
Suga : A lot
RM : Please come out
Junghwa : Yes
RM : Who's next ?
Jimin : Jimin
RM : Yes
LE : Tired ?
RM : No , it's okay
Suga : We're rotting here
JHope : Should we go practice ?
LE : Should we ?
JHope : What can we do here ?
Suga : Sleep... let's go
B.E : ... !
LE : Really ?
Suga nods : Hoseok can work on the dance for the sub-tracks
Junghwa : Have fun
Solji : Be careful
Jungkook : I thought it was a B.E day...
LE : Sorry , not today
Suga : Tomorrow , promise
Jungkook nods : ...
Hyerin : Bye~
JHope waves : ...
Jimin : Let everyone see , it starts with you and me
Hani : Why do I have a feeling they're going to go on a date ?
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : Well , they can date and watch Hyung dance
Solji : Mean
Maknaes laughs : Haha
V : Maybe Hyung wants to see Noona dance
Hyerin : He's not as perverted as you guys
V nods : ... *laughs*
Hani : It doesn't have to be perverted , maybe he enjoys seeing Unnie do something
Solji : That's how attracted he is to LE ?
Hani nods : ...
Jungkook : Oh...
RM : You know ?
Jimin : Yup
Junghwa : Will Oppa be like those... madly in love guy ?
Hyerin : Darling , he is already mad in love
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : But those who would do anything
Solji : Well... he's already doing it
Hani : Most of the time
Jungkook : Is it bad ?
Junghwa : It might be
V : Why ?
Junghwa : Well... Unnie might feel like she doesn't do anything for Oppa
RM : If you notice , Noona's mostly the bigger person in front of us
V : Right
Solji : Secretly , Yoongi does a lot for her
Junghwa : Yes
RM : Last one
Jimin : Mm
Junghwa : Also , it might get annoying
Jungkook : Really ?
Junghwa : To some
Hyerin nods : ...
Jungkook thinking : No wonder there was a period of time Hyerin Noona didn't felt anything with Hyung
Solji : Sometimes when a guy is too nice , the girl doesn't like it
V : Thats the first time I heard that
Hani : It's true
RM : So should we be bad ?
Jungkook laughs : Bully Noona
Hyerin : Not like that !
Jungkook laughs : I'm kidding
Hani : Oh
Junghwa : Why ?
Hani : It's like 'Too Good to Me'
V : Kookie , we have to go home and watch YouTube
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Jimin : What is this... ?
Solji : What's wrong ?
Jimin : ...
Solji : Don't be like that
RM : Do you want to go on a date too ?
Jimin laughs : No , it's just that... no one was listening
Junghwa : Sorry , we were in a heated discussion
Jimin : It's okay
Hani : I'll record , Namjoon
RM : Yes
Jungkook : I'm the last ?
Solji : Yeah
Hyerin yawns : ...
Jungkook : What will we do later ?
V : What can we do ?
Jimin : No dance practice please
Junghwa : Yes , we need to rest
Jimin : And you two have 'Dream Team' to rest for
Junghwa & Jungkook nods : ...
RM : We can take a walk
Hyerin : It's been awhile
RM : Relax a little
Solji : Call
V : Me too
RM smiles : Let's start
Hani : Yes
Jungkook : It has been awhile
Junghwa : We need the fresh air
Hyerin nods : Right
Solji : Inform them to meet us out front
Junghwa : I'll do it *taps phone*
Hani : But it's worth it in the end , 'cause in your heart is where it all begins
Jungkook : Noona sounds good with Hyung
Junghwa : Right ?
Jungkook : Add an emoji *laughs*
Hyerin : So they won't scold ?
Junghwa taps phone : Here
Solji : Ask them to meet us at the entrance when Kookie's almost done
V : Right
Hani : We'll rise up and shine , we can be bold , we can be brave , let everyone see , it's starts with you and me
Jungkook mouthing : (Woah woah)
Hani : It starts with you and me
RM nods : Okay... the bridge
Jimin : I'm getting restless too
Solji : Do you want to walk around ?
Jimin : That would sound nice
Hyerin : A walk before a walk
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Solji : We'll probably be at the canteen either ways
Jimin nods : See you later
Junghwa : Yes
RM does thumbs up : Great
Hyerin close eyes : ...
RM : Last one , improv
Hani : Yes
RM : Here we go *starts recording*
V whisper : It became quiet
Junghwa nods : ...
RM : I'm glad Jimin has Noona for just now
V nods : Our partners are really understanding
Junghwa : You guys too
Jungkook : Equally understanding
Junghwa nods : ...
V : Thank you
RM : Jungkook , your turn
Jungkook gets up : Yes
Junghwa : Last but not least
V : Hwaiting
Jungkook lifts fist : ...
V : Noona , tired ?
Junghwa : No
V nods : ...
Hani : 야 , drink some water
RM : Yes *drinks water*
Hani : Take care of yourself
RM : Health comes first
Hani sits down : Gosh
V chuckles : We have been practicing hard
Hani : When will our comeback come ?
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Hani : So that we can enjoy the break we love
Junghwa & V laughs : Haha
RM : That was nice , should we make a parody ?
Hani : 'Vacation'
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : Let's start , Kookie
Jungkook : Yes~
RM starts recording : ...
Jungkook : When I looked into your eyes I guess I didn't recognise
Junghwa : Jungkook's voice is soothing
Hani : And the lyrics fits too
V : Oh , we have to message the members that Kookie is recording now *taps phone*
RM nods : Okay
Jungkook : The chorus now ?
RM : Yes
Jungkook : Let's go
RM starts recording : ...
Jungkook : We gotta be bold , we gotta be brave , we gotta be free , we gotta get loud *smiles* making that change , you gotta believe
Hani mouthing : (Woah)
Jungkook : We'll look deep inside and we'll rise up and shine , we can be bold , we can be brave , let everyone see , it starts with you and me
V mouthing : (Woah woah , hey)
Jungkook : It starts with you and me
Hani : Great , Kookie
Jungkook chuckles : Really ?
Junghwa : Were you having fun ?
Jungkook smiles : Yes
RM chuckles : That's glad to hear
Jungkook : FREE did well this album
V : They did
RM : Should we record the bridge ?
Jungkook : Yes , please
V : Noona ask if they should go over now
Hani : Tell them that Kookie is recording the bridge now
RM : We'll be done soon *starts recording*
Junghwa nods : ...
Hani : Yes
Jungkook : I promise we can see it through , don't you know it's up to me , it's up to me and you ?~
V smiles : That's our maknae
Junghwa : Right !
Hani : That's high
RM nods : Yeah
Jungkook : The improv now ?
RM : Yes
Jungkook : Okay
Hani : Kookie's a little quiet
V : Tired
Hani : Gosh
Junghwa : After our walk and lunch , let's head home to rest
Hani nods : Sounds great
RM does thumbs up : You're done
Jungkook : Yay~
Junghwa : Let's go
Hani whisper : Hyerin , Hyerin-ah *taps Hyerin's shoulder* Wake up~
Hyerin wakes up : I fell asleep ?
Junghwa : Yes
Hyerin stretches arm : ...
Hani chuckles : Cute
Junghwa : Come on , Unnie
Hyerin : Mm *gets up*
RM : Let's go
V : Go go go
Junghwa chuckles : Hehe
Jungkook whisper : Are you okay ?
Hyerin nods : ...
Jungkook whisper : I'm glad Noona slept
Hyerin smiles : ...
RM : Let's go go go
Junghwa : A new catchphrase ?
RM chuckles : No
V : Let's go 남자들은 위로 여자들은 get low
Hyerin : Bang Bang Bang
Jungkook dances : ...
Junghwa : Ohh
RM laughs : Dance that for the members later
Hani : Oh , right
V : He will dance and walk
Junghwa : It's okay , he's having fun
Solji : What are you doing ?
Jungkook : Bang Bang Bang
Jimin : Ah ! *dances*
Junghwa : Goodness
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : What's up ?
Hani : Yo , Unnie
Suga : Are you dancing ?
JHope dances : Bang Bang Bang
Junghwa laughs : Ahaha
Solji : Goodness...
LE : Our members
RM nods : Let's go
Hyerin : Where should we go ?~
V : Let's walk around until we find something to eat~
Hyerin : Sure~
RM : Do we talk in melodies now ?
Hyerin : Yes~
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Fresh air
JHope : Breathe it in , Noona
Jimin : All of it
LE hits Jimin : ...
Solji : Annoying
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : The sun is nice
LE : It is
Suga smiles : ...
RM : I missed this
Hyerin : It's been awhile
Hani : Right
Junghwa : Let's hope we can do this again often
Jimin : Yeah

BigHit Dance Studio , 19.23...
Solji : 1 , 2... at 3 , 4
RM : Ah...
Jimin : Will you try it now ?
Solji : No matter how many times we try it , it gets worse
RM : We get used to it but it looks bad
Jimin : It's okay , it is good that we put effort into it
Jiwoo nods : That is right
RM smiles : ...
Solji smiles : Let's try it again
RM nods : Yes
Jiwoo : Be careful , it's a dangerous stunt
Jimin : Right
Solji : Count the beat for our background dancers please
Jimin : 1 , 2 ! 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8... 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , are you okay ? *runs to Solji*
Jiwoo : Unnie , are you okay ?
Solji : I'm okay , I'm okay
RM : Can you sit up ?
Solji slowly sits up : ...
RM slowly lifts Solji's arm : ...
Solji flinches : Ah
Jiwoo : Oppa , her arm's injured
RM nods : It is
Jimin : I don't think we should do this
Solji : Hey , it's okay
Jimin : Noona... it's dangerous
Solji : I'm okay
RM : Let's take a break for awhile
Jiwoo : Do you guys have gym mats ?
RM : We can lend from the gym
Jiwoo : Unnie , let's do this on a mat
Solji nods : ...
RM helps Solji up : There we go
Solji : Jimin-ah , please don't tell the others...
Jimin : Pardon ?
Solji : Please
Jimin nods : ... *hugs Solji* I won't
RM : I'll go get the mat with Jiwoo
Solji : Mm
Jimin whisper : I just don't want my girlfriend to get hurt
Solji smiles : I won't
Jimin smiles sadly : ...
Solji : I didn't break anything or fracture it
Jimin : Still... it'll hurt a lot on stage
Solji : It'll be better if I'm careful
Jimin nods : Jimin will protect you
Solji chuckles : Yes
Jimin : Anything , remember Jimin
Solji : Yes , Oppa
Jimin smiles : ...
Jiwoo : Will Unnie be okay ?
RM : I hope so
Jiwoo : Be careful
RM : We will
Jiwoo : Why did they prepare such a stunt... ?
RM : Performing purposes
Jiwoo : Still... at least practice on a mat or somewhere safe or soft
RM : Our mistake
Jiwoo holds RM's hand : Let's hope you and Unnie can kill it
RM : And Junghwa
Jiwoo : Unnie too ?
RM : Not that stunt but a flip , sort of
Jiwoo : Gosh...
RM thinking : I don't want to worry you , but I can't lie to you...

Jin's discharge [D-349]

Bangtan Boys EXceed In Dreaming 3 : Moving On TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now