When your a astronomer

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Yeet yeet bitches

I really like astronomy so heres this


They actually didn't know about you being a astronomer until they caught you getting out of bed. When they asked you about it and you told them they were excited about it. "Mc the roof of the shop has a good view of the stars if you need to use it." Asra honestly is the type that would love you to tell them about your astronomy job and such. Faust often lays across your shoulders as you work, "Star!"


This poor man over here got scared enough to get sober in a second when he saw you in a tall tree. "Mc! My love! What are you doing up there?!" Once you told him he calmed down and proceeded to join you up in the tree: in that tree is where he proceeded to tell you to always be safe while your out at night and try to not get hurt going up high. He works on trying to save up enough money to get you a telescope so you don't need to climb places.


She knew after the very first night, its basically impossible to hide stuff from her since she is so observant. She instantly got you a telescope and other things to make your job easier. She often joins you when you go out at night or when she can't sleep, there she asks you about who you work for and just other things about your job as a astronomer. "Mc Darling? Do you want to be the palace's official astronomer?" If you say yes to that offer she makes sure your office is up in one of the towers so you can get the best view. If you say no then she respects it, it's mainly so that she can see you more often in the palace.


She misses the nightly cuddles she usually gets but also is super excited in the morning to hear what you saw the night before. She makes sure that you sleep still but also suggests you to work when you feel up to it. After her work at the palace is done she will come home to you for your both's usual two hour long nap. "Mc! I'm home!" She finds it cute when she goes outside at night and sees you on top of her cottage or in her garden doing your projects. Pepi often sleeps in your lap at night while you work.


You scared this man nearly to death when you called his name in the middle of the night. He was just trying to check the charms only for you to say his name while in a very tall tree. "....don't do that again...please?..." He doesn't get scared often but he never can get used to you saying his name at night. He supports you and what you do, he even gives you a protective charm whenever you leave the hut. Every morning he will ask you if you got hurt or how the stars were the night before. He often asks about the planets or supernovas, basically anything space related just because he wants to have the knowledge you have to understand you if you go ranting.


This bitch really asked you why you watch stars for a living. When you explain to him that it isn't just watching stars he took awhile but soon understood. You didn't have a say in this part but the moment he found out and understood what you did you were made the palace astronomer. Mercedes and Melchior often watch you work at night, it can be terrifying since all you see is gleaming eyes staring at you from the shadows. Lucio doesn't stay up to join you since he needs his beauty sleep. He will listen to you rant the next morning but doesn't usually understand it. "Y'know Mc, I can do astronomy as well!" No, no he can't but at least he attempted right?

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