When you dance together

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Ok so the Asra nsfw and Julian nsfw chapters are currently both in the works. School keeps interrupting and this took a solid 2 weeks to get done thanks to it.

This is just a simple chapter in the mean time, the nsfw chapter order is: Asra, Julian, Nadia, Portia, Lucio, Muriel

Muriel is last since I have the hardest time writing for him so if you have ideas and want to share them comment or pm me. Credit will be given


- usually it's very goofy and kinda just for fun
- Faust loves to hang around your shoulders when you both dance
- its more than likely when the shop is closed or when he gets back from a journey
- he often compliments you during it or gives soft kisses
- He says he isn't very good but is actually amazing at it


- more than likely when you both are drunk or after a long day
- when its after a long day its almost like a slow dance, when it's drunk dancing it is on the tables
- very silly but also serious at the same time
- definitely most open to doing dances you like or learning dances from your culture
- he is pretty good at slow dances as well as up beat dancing to sea shanties


- very serious unless you insist otherwise
- it happens every year at the masquerade and if you both are alone in the ball room
- she won't hesitate to fluster you during it
- I swear she is the most elegant and beautiful dancer
- she likes to kiss the back of your hand at the end of each dance


- he doesn't dance unless you insist, he does like to sway with you though
- imagine this: you get back to his hut after a long day only to be held close by him as you sway side to side in place
- his are always very calming, he prefers that over upbeat ones
- Inanna likes to try and join in as well
- he secretly finds it funny if you actually do dance with Inanna


- oh dear lord if you though Asra and Julian's were silly be prepared
- its full of laughter and quick kisses, as well as a fair share of tickles
- she doesn't really dance at the palace since she is working but at the cottage is different
- second most open about learning new dances
- can and will randomly pull you up to dance with her after a long day


- shockingly he isn't as extra when it's just the two of you
- like Nadia when you both are alone it is very calming and elegant
- in public view? Oh be ready to have Lucio put on a show
- when alone he enjoys doing dances like a waltz or other slow dances just so he has a excuse to hold you close
- Mercedes and Melchior will join in whether you like it or not

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