Love Crawl Out - Part 2

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Just three random parts.

Irene gulped when she saw Wendy crawling towards her, hovering over her.

Her eyes traveled down to Wendy’s neck then unavoidably rested on the cleavage peeking teasingly out of the tight white top.

Wendy was wearing a white nurse outfit and Irene couldn’t describe in words how happy and excited she was about that little fact.

“Now now… eyes up here, Bae Irene.”

Fingers touched her chin, pushing her face up.

Irene saw a smirk before she felt lips and tongue meeting her own. She reached up, grabbing Wendy by the waist to pull her down but Wendy backed away instead, prying her hands off roughly.

“Don’t move. You’re sick, remember?”

“H-huh? I’m not sick.”

“Yes, you are. You’re sick and so, I will take care of you.”

Wendy pushed Irene by the shoulders, pressing her against the mattress then moved one leg over Irene’s body, trapping Irene under her, between her legs and arms. Her long hair draped over the sides of Irene’s face before she flipped it to one side, still with that smirk on her face, ready to devour the young woman pinned helplessly under her.

“I-I…” Irene didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t sick at all but the look in Wendy’s eyes told her that she shouldn’t argue and just accept her fate – whatever it might be.

Wendy’s burning mouth captured hers once again and she moaned, itching to move her hands and feel Wendy’s warmth pressed against her.

“Let’s see,” whispered Wendy once she had let go of Irene’s slightly bruised lips. “Do you have a fever?” She kissed Irene’s forehead. “Hm… or maybe I should check… here?” She placed a kiss on Irene’s neck after that, licking and sucking until Irene squirmed, toes curling and fingers clutching the sheets while suppressing the urge to pant or moan.

“I don’t have a stethoscope with me so my ear would have to do,” said Wendy as she sat up, straddling Irene’s hips.

Irene watched Wendy unbutton her shirt, parting the edges then dove down.

“OH MY GOD! Ow!”

Irene opened her eyes when her head painfully hit the headboard. Her hand went up, rubbing the sore spot while trying to wrap her mind around what had just happened.

“Hey, Bae. You okay?”

She heard a knock on the door and Sooyoung’s muffled voice coming from behind it.

“Yeah. I’m okay,” she shouted back.

Irene looked around, searching for her missing pillow and found it on the floor. She took it and placed it under her head before she lay down.

The dream was too vivid. So clear, as a matter of fact, that she could remember most of it even after banging her head like that.

Irene let out a loud sigh then closed her eyes, endlessly replaying the dream in the hopes of getting some kind of continuation should she manage to fall asleep again.


“You had a rated dream about her?” asked Seulgi, nearly spitting her drink out of her mouth when her shy friend had finished telling the story.

“Sssh! Not so loud, will ya?” Irene nervously eyed the restaurant.

“So that was that loud bump from your room last week?” asked Sooyoung. “Eww… Irene!” She put her fork down. “There is such a thing as too much info, you know.”

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