Author's notes

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2/7/2007. This story in its entirety is now available on Amazon at

I don't necessarily care for character description parts of books. I only find them useful in extreme cases, usually when I'm having a hard time trying to pronounce a character name, but I'm trying something a little different. Feel free to thumbs up or down on this whole thing.

As always, feedback is appreciated and critques are desired. Its my strongest desire to make my work the best than I can make it, and if someone else can point where I can make it stronger, I might grumble and fume and decided to make the changes... or not.

Main Cast:

Compass Ambrose AKA, Compass Rose, AKA Rose: Keovan born daughter of Bericus Ambrose and a major in the Keovan space force. She's the eldest born daughter of Bericus' second wife Jorga, and because of her brother Esau's defection, has been elevated to heir, hence why some refer to her as Compass Rose, or Rose, which is the heiress name to the family.

Esau Ambrose AKA Ambrose: Keovan born son of Bericus Ambrose, he is the only son and the first born of Bericus' first wife. Lives on Earth (called Terra) with his fiancee and three children.

Johannes 'Johnny' Cai AKA Johnny Benoist: the phantom keyholder and Compass' longtime boyfriend. He's long been an alley of the keyholders of Earth, but ultimately sides with what is right. Physically only about ten years older than Compass, but there's something tricky to his history that even he's a little foggy on and may actually be even older.

Justin Harper: One of Earth's many secretive keyholders, he's Compass' primary roadblock in Earth politics.

Secondary Cast:

Bericus Ambrose: The head of Kevoa's Ronin devision and father to both Compass and Esau Ambrose. Is remaining hands-off in the strained relationship between his first born children. Also has two additional daughters: Esau's twin sister Astoria (Once believed dead and now alive and lives on another world entirely) and Compass's twin sister Tessa, who is dead.

Ya Fin: The Keovan Ambassador to Terra.

Milas Zakus: Esau's best friend and former second-in-command. Lives on Terra. Holds one of the six keys in question.

Gabriel Hammond (Gabby): Esau's fiancee and the mother of his three children. Holds one of the six keys in question; also in secret holds one of Terra's keys.

Trenton Corbin:  Holds one of the six keys in question, a friend of Gabriel and Esau. Lives in Miami with his wife and children. Also holds a previous key as well.

Cassandra Cho; "Sandra" : Holds one of the six keys in question, and a previous one as well. Lives in Boca Raton, with her daughter. Had a serious infatuation with Johnny's avatar, and although he did befriend her (and several of the others) while on Terra under his assumed guise, she never fell for him.

Julio Ramírez: Holds one of the six keys in question and also a previous key. Has since been paralyzed in a diving accident. The only one of the four from Terra to have military service in his background. Divorced.

Bintia: The wise alien observer for Terra, she often in the past has acted mentor to the key holders of this world. Answers only to the unseen council... even that is tentative at best.

Gem Hogarth: Compass' assigned aide on Earth and her right hand when it comes to the takedown.

Silas Ambrose: The eldest son of Esau and Gabby; old enough to make up his own mind about what's going on.

Amara and Voughn: Esau and Gabby's twin children, who are several years younger than their brother.

Polly Cho: Sandra's young daughter.

Clint Bannon: US rep from  the Attorny General - all a disguise, I swear it. Would be assasin with the tables turned on him.

Tameka Corbin: Trention's wife.

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