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I woke up wit my eyes sore asf and went tuh da bathroom and saw dey were puffy and red also to be honest I feel drained asf I ain't Neva cried ova no nigga but honestly ion even think I was cryin ova Travis I was cryin cause I hurt him and cause he made me feel like dis homeless bitch wit no money which was slick true but I've always found away tuh manage.

I showered and did all my otha hygiene type shit and went tuh me and Travis room so I could find sumthin tuh wear fa today. I opened da door and saw Travis had jus gotten out da shower too but instead he didn't have a towel on which I ain't mind since we don seen eachother body more den 200 times, damn you can't knock? I looked at him in uh "bitch u stupid" type look. Wat da fuck u mean I can't knock? Nigga we don seen every damn part of each otha body hella times so wats da problem?

I just don't want to see you right now Keisha he said all dry and shit. He had dis look on his face dat I couldn't read he looked...........careless. "Narrative" Travis felt cold, bitter, and hate towards Keisha he honestly didn't want her in his house but for the sake of gabby he continued to let her stay he loved gabby as if she were his own and gabby loved him as well. They had grew a very close relationship and everywhere Travis went gabby would follow she even made him a nick name "Travy".

I don't want you around me honestly it's not like you can even pay a damn bill in here so your only here to make me sicker.

I couldn't take da shit Travis was sayin tuh me I usually don't give uh fuck but now I do. Travis u not finna sit hea and make me feel low bout myself shit dats da case u can fa get u eva met me I understand i fucked up but wat u not finna do is disrespect me I'm still human and I'm pretty sure u ain't no damn saint eitha. And me and gabby will be leavin out ya house next week cause dats all I need tuh look fa a apartment. Next thing I knew I had tears running down my damn face. Look come here i'm sorry for all the rude things I said to you i'm just so deeply in love with you that I let my actions speak without even thinking, you are a very intelligent young woman and from the very first time I saw you you were independent and you still are to this very day you're 19 and still have a lot to learn but this doesn't mean that you could use this as an excuse. I nodded my head as he had my face cupped into his hands, but I need space and you could sleep in here I'll take the guest room. I nodded my head cause I mean I understand dat and if he did dat shit tuh me I would be mad as fuck and hurt too.

Travis POV:
I was getting dressed to see Maya and I still feel quite guilty for not letting Keisha know I have a daughter I mean although she did cheat I feel like she still deserves to know but I just don't know when to tell her and how.

I'll be back I'm going to run a couple errands I told Keisha and lord knows I hate lying to her because I want her to be completely honest with me even though she wasn't honest last night I still don't agree with doing evil for evil at least that's how I was raised, wat u gotta do? Go get revenge on me or sum? If so jus keep it real wimme and lemme know I ain't gon bitch bout it cause I fucked up first.

No Keisha I'm not and I wouldn't try to hurt you just to get revenge if I ever were to hurt you it wasn't intentional because I hate seeing you cry, ok now ur makin me feel bad she said rolling her eyes with all her weight on her right foot and her arms crossed. For some reason I loved when she did that it revealed all her sassiness which made me love her even more.

Don't feel bad everyone makes mistakes it's just going to take a lot for you to gain my trust again because I won't believe you if you tell me your going up the road to the store unless you FaceTime me and you can't blame me for that.

Ight Travis Ight I get it I'll try my best tuh prove it and show u dat u can trust me but wea u goin tho? Cause tbh u ain't be specific like wat kinda errands? Just sending my mother a few dollars because I always give her and my father money once a week just so they could have money in their pockets. Which was true but I had already sent that yesterday. Oh dats wassup I mean I wasn't insecure or no shit I jus wanted u tuh be honest wimme. Well I'll never lie to you and if I do it's for a good cause trust me.


*Narrator* just as the door bell rang Keisha went to the door and swung it open being already irritated by Travis. Wassup can I help ya? Yes you can actually the dark brown woman said with the little brown skin girl next to her nibbling her fingers. And who are y'all? Keisha asked with a sassy tone, oh I'm guessing he didn't tell you well I'm Travis's ex girlfriend and this is our  daughter maya. Um daughter?

Jus sumthin fast and quick

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