I'm back

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An announcement I'd like to make. I am back but on a new account which is why I haven't updated this story in a while.

I will transfer this story to my new account and anyone who reads this thanks. If you don't want to go to my new account that is fine. But please check out this writer, Nousefulthoughts, they are a good writer by all means and need more support.

My new account name is Kazofthebroken.

All of the stories are depressing, some more so than the others. And then the school system and my friend, Nousefulthoughts, corrupted me. This story will not be transferred and I doubt anyone will read this book anymore so yea...

So enjoy that. Again, if you don't want to see the account, it is fine if you do, thanks. But please check Nousefulthoughts out.

Thank you for reading this. And if you read this don't tell Nousefulthoughts that I wrote this they'll be pissed saying that I shouldn't have. Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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