Chapter 38

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The sun was set but the sky wasn't yet pitch black as we pulled back into the driveway and squeezed into the garage. The engine went quiet and the bike tilted again as Dominic stopped us and killed the motor.

"Hungry for dinner?" he asked as we stepped inside. I nodded hugely because I practically hadn't eaten all day. I kept that fact to myself as we walked inside and into the kitchen.

The lights were on and all three boys were in there with Charlotte, who looked at me as if she had a lot she wanted to say. I looked down dismissively. I still wasn't sure I wanted to talk to her, even if I had been overreacting earlier. I wondered why she held her arms close to her chest, and everyone was gathered here.

"Where have you guys been?" Damon asked angrily. "You weren't answering your phones and haven't been here for hours!"

Dominic's arms were crossed over his chest and he leaned back against the wall; a picture of ease. I was nervous and shaking a tiny bit, but I grabbed my hands tight together so nobody could tell.

"We went for a ride." I said in a smallish voice. I wanted to hit myself. Why couldn't I be calm too?

"A ride?" Caleb asked, anxiety written all over his face. I felt a wave of grief as I realized that Dom and I had caused this. I didn't mean to make anyone worry.

"A ride on the motorcycle." I said, speaking up.

"She was sad, so I offered to take her out for a quick ride. We're both fine. We just didn't check our phones." Dominic answered for us, stoically. He was back to normal it seemed, but it was such a sharp contrast to the way he'd been on the motorcycle that I almost didn't recognize him.

Damon rolled his eyes as if we were stupid and even Brooks wouldn't meet my gaze fully.

"I didn't mean to make you guys worry..." I said, heart still pounding.

"Well, you did." Damon replied, saying what it appeared they were all thinking.

"It's okay now." Charlotte finally spoke. "We just didn't know what happened. We're glad you're both here, safe."

I nodded, still watching the ground.

"Dinner time?" Brooklyn asked, changing the subject. "I grabbed a couple pizzas on the way home from Val's place."

He motioned to the table in the dining room and everyone nodded, heading over.

I wanted to ask Charlotte if I could skip dinner because I wanted to be polite. But instead, the words that came out of my mouth were "I'm going upstairs. I'm not hungry."

Without waiting for a reply or any sort of acknowledgment, I took off towards my bedroom and closed the door behind me.

The tears started spilling before I understood why. What was I so upset about? Shouldn't I know immediately? Why were feelings so fucking hard for me to just feel?

I thought about it logically, tried to solve it like a math problem. If x + 4 = 7, then x was...?

But I should've known it wasn't going to be that easy.

I sat on my bed with my thoughts racing for nearly an hour. I knew when dinner ended immediately because the TV was way too loud and Charlotte had to yell to turn it down. I decided to peek out into the hall and see what Dominic was up to.

When I was a foot away, I heard voices, so I slowed dramatically and turned around. I wasn't going to bother him if he was hanging with somebody else. When I realized it was Charlotte's voice, I froze and listened. I couldn't quite make out all of the words, but I got the gist.

"Motorcycle, huh?" she asked sardonically.

"I told you I wanted to take her..." Dominic said.

"And I told you it was dangerous, and she's not supposed to be out right now." Charlotte said sternly.

"Mom. I couldn't help it. She was so sad today and I had to do something!" he said.

"So, you get her an ice cream or talk to her! You don't take her out on that death machine your Dad got you!" she said. Her voice wasn't angry, but she spoke fervently, with purpose.

She sighed as he stayed quiet, accepting her reprimand.

"I'm sorry." he finally said. My heart dropped as I considered the fact that I might not be allowed to ride ever again. If Charlotte banned him, would he listen? If I asked, would he be willing to break a rule that she placed just for me? But I couldn't ask that of him...

"I'm sorry too," Charlotte said. "You can take Maya out occasionally if you're really safe, just don't make it a daily thing."

I could picture Dominic's smile at her words, and I couldn't help myself from grinning too, cheered by the fact that I would get to feel the freedom of the bike again.

"Deal!" He replied ecstatically. They both laughed and I wondered what was so funny.

"You know, I always had plans to take Bella out on the bike when she was old enough. She was always poking around at that old mini bike I had." He said.

I wrinkled my brows together, confused. Who was Bella?

"I know, sweetheart." Charlotte said, sadness unmistakable in her voice. They were just laughing and now they're all choked up? Over some girl? I was assuming it wasn't an ex-girlfriend of his.

"I have to get back to work." Charlotte said, making some moving noises. I stepped away from the wall and panicked. I didn't think I could make it back to my room.

"Working on another book?" I heard Dominic joke.

"They don't write themselves!" Charlotte replied as the door to his room opened. Without thinking, I grabbed the door across the hall and jumped inside, shutting it tightly and silently behind me. I listened to hear that she hadn't noticed and heard Dominic and her still talking. I let out a huge sigh of relief and then faced away from the door only to have my breath be taken away once more.

Where was I?

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