Chapter 49

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Later that day, Damon and Dominic took me to the park.

Dominic and I were heading out to ride the motorcycle when Charlotte stopped us and (forcefully) suggested a trip to the park with Damon. She thought it would be "good for all of us" which I interpreted as "you need to at least tolerate each other for the time being''. Dominic: I could tolerate. Damon: whole other issue.

He drove us, even though I begged Dominic to take me on the bike. We could meet him there, and then we wouldn't have to worry about an awkward car ride! Dominic told me I was crazy.

"He hates me, Dom!" I said with a pleading expression as he dragged me to the garage, where Damon sat in the car with the engine running.

"He doesn't hate you!" he argued again. He didn't seem to be frustrated, which I was thankful for... just insistent. He opened my car door in a manner that suggested I better get inside or else, so I hopped in and slid into the back seat grumpily.

Damon turned on the alternative music station and Dominic smiled at him, cheerfully. How could he be in a good mood? We were essentially all being forced to go to the park when I know all three of us would prefer to be doing something else.

His eyes flickered to me in the side mirror and he smirked as we pulled out of the drive and onto the road.

I huffed and crossed my arms. Damon checked on me in the back and said, "Is something wrong?"

I bit my lip as I tried to think of something to say that wouldn't be rude.

"I just don't get why we have to do this." I explained.

"Mom thinks we hate each other." He said, eyes on the road. I didn't answer but looked awkwardly out the window. The sky was bright blue today and there was barely a hint of a breeze.

"Oh, come on," Damon said to my silence. "I don't hate you."

"Oh." I said with a nod, shooting daggers at Dominic. He smartly avoided my eye contact in the side mirror once more. This was so awkward!

"Well, that's good." Dominic said to both of us with a cheeky smile, as if everything happening was a joke.

We kept driving in silence. I chewed at my fingernails nervously, while Damon kept drumming his fingers on the wheel.

"Fuck this." I whispered angrily.

"Maya." Dominic said unhappily, turning to face me.

"Yes?" I squeaked. He gave me a look that said I knew what I did wrong.

I made a sound like a growl and turned to the window.

After a few minutes of Damon and Dominic talking about a sports team I didn't recognize, we arrived. I tried to contain my joy as we pulled into the parking lot, but it was hard. I'd always had a soft spot for parks. I loved the swings, the open grass, and the areas to walk and explore! I may have been nearly an adult, but Charlotte seemed to know from the day that I arrived how much I would love them.

As the car stopped in a parking spot facing the barren park, I yanked on the door handle repeatedly.

"It won't open!" I complained as Damon and Dominic opened their doors.

"Child lock." Damon explained as he pressed a button and I sprung free. I ignored the smile that tugged on both of their lips. I was not in the mood.

I ran eagerly out of the vehicle and straight into the sandy playground for older kids. Briefly, I was overwhelmed with joy at my small height and stature. Honestly, it would be hard to tell if I was a tall twelve-year-old or a small teenager.

Damon and Dominic grabbed books and bottles of water before heading over to a blue picnic table at the edge of the playground. I ran off of the sand and over to them, before standing in front of Dominic.

"Dom!" I said.

He pulled down his sunglasses and looked up at me. "Yes My?" he asked, faux-sweetly.

"Come play with me!" I said.

He arched an eyebrow, sending a little wave of nervousness through my stomach.

"Is that how we ask to play something?" he said in a serious tone.

I looked at the ground in frustration and then back up to him.

"Can you please come play with me? Please?" I asked, shielding my eyes from the sun. I was thankful the park was empty, so nobody had to see me be pathetic in public.

"Sorry." He said with a genuine grimace. "I really need to get more reading done today for class. Can you ask Damon to play with you?"

I scrunched my face up and shot a look to the other Anders brother, sitting a couple of arm's lengths away. Dominic pulled his shades back up and put a hand on my back, pushing me towards him.

Damon looked up from the small novel he held with one giant hand. The pages were yellowed and looked ancient, but that didn't stop him from bending it's spine and keeping the book open with just one hand. 

I bit my lip while I waited for him to say something. His aviators reflected a distorted version of myself that looked nervous. He pulled off his shades and shut his book.

"Yes?" he asked impatiently.

"Umm. Dominic can't play with me and I wanted to know if you could?" I asked, words stumbling out over each other but somehow forming a cohesive sentence.

"What are you playing?" he asked with an unreadable expression.

"I like the swings and running and anything pretty much." I said. I didn't notice Dominic kick Damon under the bench, so I was surprised when I saw him stand up.

"Lead the way, I guess." He said, motioning towards the playground.

My eyes lit up and I grabbed his hand, like I would with Dominic or Caleb. My mind briefly warned me that he wouldn't like it, but his hand was warm, and he didn't complain as I pulled him over to the jungle gym. I took a step onto the little platform and jumped up, going across the red monkey bars with ease.

"Your turn!" I called out from the other side.

He stood at full height and leaned down to get beneath them before grabbing a hold and dropping his body weight until it was only supported by the monkey bars. His knees nearly dragged on the sand as he crossed quickly and met me at the end.

"Are we done now?" he asked, although he was smiling.

"Not even close!" 

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