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He stared for a while, as his sight had never leave those strange two legged creatures. He always see them from a far, somewhere when in the middle of the sea or when he spent time playing near the land.

Tonight is one of those nights where he would visit the Lotus Pier, to gaze at the starry sky.

He likes watching all the shimmering twinkling lights from above, no matter where he is, it might be in the middle of deep sea or in the unknown lake at the wilderness, that he would spend all his life just looking at them.

'If only I can touch them' A thought he will think every moment in dazed.

He was curious, deeply immersed at the mysterious lights. If there is any chance to take, he will not hesitate to know them. Encountering many kind of strange two legged creatures, it giving him a little hope, striking the thirst of knowledge inside him.

What is on the surface?

What is on the land of strange two legged creatures?

What are those materials they were carrying around everyday?

Why they cover their bodies? Or what kind of food they eat? He has a series of unanswered questions wanting to be answer someday, but he have no idea and only want to know them soon.

It was a fleeting second, when he had seen that two legged creature---who wear all pure color, it's too clean and so neat, it making him wonder if the two legged creature are the priest of all two legged creatures on the land because he is so beautiful like their mersea-people priest.

He cannot stop his eyes following that two legged creature, watching all day while picking lotus flower, he would like to give a helping hand but there was another two legged creature who is approaching that made him hide in under the water.

He don't understand what are they're talking about, except the two legged creature mouth were moving happily and their facial expression are in light spirits. And it was confusing for him, as it making him feel weird bubbles of emotions on his stomach. What is this? Is he hungry? But he know, he dislike this kind of feeling. He want to play with his shark friends in the deep sea now.

He should eat some sea herbs to cure his stomach.

He continued watching carefully on the side lines, hidden behind the set of lotus flowers, under the water with small head was on the surface. Those purple eyes set on his how those two legged creatures move from one place to another place, his excitement burst on having his own legs. He can have those two legs though it wasn't easy because he is not on his mating age.

However, he can still transform for one day if he would like to try those two meaty legs of strange two legged creatures.

Although, he heard from others it is painful and itchy like when the tail was under heavy pressure of the sea rock, it also like being bitten by the mersea-people eating fish, and they says no one could swim again for a couple of days after that attempt.

He isn't afraid of pain, but he don't like being hurt.

It is too uncomfortable for him.

Afterwards, he went under the water and swam straight to certain location, toward the Yunmeng's more secluded place where a path leads to a deserted pavilion. It stood alone, in the middle of hundreds blooming lotus flower.

A quiet sight, looking beautifully and so enchanting to be hold.

He always had cetrain memories with it, his earliest recollections were the tall two legged creature who always stayed with him under the moonlight, they shared lot of conversations as he talked about all his life deep down the deep sea when he visit the two legged creature. Also, they would play under the water once in a while which one of his favorite time as he really loves it to swim with that tall two legged creature. But, somehow he forgot all of those when he grows up and failed to visit again.

It was just last full moon that he had remembered the of old days, that is why he was here now.

In order to confirm it, if all were real, sadly after couple of nights. No one's show up, he was completely alone in this abandoned place. That tall legged creature wasn't here anymore. It was making him feel hurt but he still hope every time he visit the place.

Today, he saw a beautiful two legged creature, so he didn't regret coming again. The smile, that kind of sight is worthy like their dear priest. He feels happy just seeing it.

All night long, he stayed near the lone pavilion while giving all his strength in turning his tail into human legs.

An extruciating pain goes through all over his lower body, as his cherished purple scales slowly falling out one by one like it's been forced to drop and it be separated from his flesh. His sweat rolls down continously, as suspended feeling of dread and fear surrounded him. Just a little bit, just a little he will be able to do it.

He violently bit his lower lip, and held his breath. Excitement and horror are warring inside him as he watched the scales dripping a red sticky liquid, it's really painful like the information say and he found himself loathing it.

After set of hours, until the early rays of sun shine on his fair skinned face. He was looking sickly pale already as if he is a human in the death bed that has been bedridden for years.

However, he was himself smiling like a fool with hint of faint blush. As he successfully got his human legs like those two legged creatures. He is the same with them now, he do not have to be under the water when watching them behind quietly. A satisfied smile crossed his think reddish lips.

He can go out of the water today.

Just for this time, he will try to go in the land with this two legs.

Taking a deep breath, he inhaled sharply sucking all the air he could manage inside his stomach. He can feel the breath of his own kind over his body, very different from those two legged creatures. He wonder if there are also mersea-people on the land.

Silent wishing, praying, to have some companion with him, he heard noise of two legged creatures stepping on the Lotus Pier.

His heart thumped, it is beating fast, not like the everyday pace.

He tightly embraced the wood he was leaning on, his whole body still under the water while his two legs kept on moving carelessly. His eyes wanted to tear up, not knowing how he will get on the land.

Meanwhile, the crew of drama series of Yunmeng Mermaid has arrived at the right time. With the known Mr. Lan kept smiling as always and the actress for Yu ZiYuan roles are still cheerful as ever while chattering to her little hairdresser.

[ To be continued ]

You see, young Jiujiu
is a merman,
And say
An innocent
bun here
But. Not. Forever. ]

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