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'So the prodigy is back.'

The night at the bar was already in full swing. I came straight from the office so I was still in my full suit with a briefcase on my right hand. My best friend was on the front bar downing the drinks- Bacardi Facundo. Gotta be a long wild night.

'So I heard.' I placed my briefcase on the counter and called a server for a lowball glass. I quickly got one and poured myself out with the killer of the night. We clinked our glasses and downed together. We both knew what the drink was for.

'Are you back for good?', he asked while shaking lightly his glass.

I looked around. I didn't know, too if I am for real. The music was loud making the crowd go wild. Everyone was getting wasted, dancing wildly and making out shamelessly. Nothing's new but something had caught my eye as a vixen in red bodycon dress made her way as to where he was. He was like a loyal dog looking out for its bone as he followed her every steps. His best friend noticed him and they both exchanged knowing looks.

'I guess I am now,' he intentionally louden hiso voice. She was busying herself with the drinks. Hmm, Patron. Damn, chick!

'You what?' Ah, she noticed! Bingo!

I arched my body to face her. Those jugs can do wonders but before I could imagine, she cleared her throat which made me averted my gaze to her face. Perfect! Well, except for her scoffing face.

'I was talking to my best friend.' I nodded at my now smirking best friend and he did in return. I had to keep my cool.

'Pretty lame,' She sarcastically said as she bottoms up her drink. 'I know that you intentionally spoke louder for you to get my attention. What's next?', still looking at me.

This chick got some hots. I quickly composed myself and kept my face to the prize.

'It's my pleasure that I got you to talk.' I thought I got her there, too because she was now looking at me with those fiery sexy eyes but she just shrugged it off after a few seconds. This should be worthy. It should be a night of screams.


'Yes, to what?'

'You want to have sex with me so yes.' Damn straight! I thought I had a boner for a second. So much for being a celibate dick. I probably looked like a bachelor who's excited to get laid as she stood up and closed the distance between us.

'Were you able to close the deal?'. I could feel her warmth as she whispered to my ear. A mixed of after shot and her fancy perfume fancied my nose. Did she know I'm a lawyer?

'Well, of course. I'm the best closer in the town.' I crawled up my fingers to her waist and pulled her towards me. She was now sitting on my lap as I leaned in and whispered to her ear. Before I could pull off, I hissed at her neck. We both wanted each other.

'Then get your price.' She stood up, not breaking our stares, and pulled me away.

A long and wild night indeed.

Unlawful Lust (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now