Important to read before starting this book.

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This story is still being written as I update this book. I've been working on this for a while, but I had a crap ton of writers block. I finally have the motivation to write again. This is my first fanfiction and I hope I don't get too much hate for it. I tried my best with this book. I really love Phantom Of The Opera and I really hope you all enjoy it too. I don't own any of the songs, cover image, or the phantom of the opera! All rights go to the owners!


Y/N= Your name

Y/G= Your gender

F/N= Friend's name

F/G= Friend's gender

Y/GP= Your Gender pronoun

F/GP=friend's gender pronoun

Normal= your lines

Italic-= Christine's lines

Underline= Phantom's (Erik's) lines

Bold= other charecter's lines.

Italic and underline= Raul's lines.

Just a heads up! This is going to be a today's time version of this world. I really like the aspect of having resturants and some modern songs in the fan fiction. Also this is slight song-fic, I'll be putting the song in the thingy above and i'll have times for you to pause and play the songs. Your charecter is shy and has self-esteem issues like i do irl, but they get better through out the story.

I really hope you all enjoy this.


His Angel ( Erik X reader story) Phantom of the opera✓Where stories live. Discover now