(Erik's) diary entry ten

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Dear diary,

(Y/N) seems so happy lately. It makes me feel whole. (Y/GP) is an astonishing person who deserves it; I want to meet up with (Y/N). In my next note, I will confess that I like (Y/N) and that I want to meet up with (Y/GP). I will meet (Y/N) somewhere secluded and tell (Y/GP) how I feel. My heart is beating out of my chest as I thought about what to say. My brain is going through a million different scenarios.

Honestly, the best one is that the two of us meet up and (Y/N) is in love with me as well;  I want to kiss (Y/GP) under the light of a million stars. I can imagine the two of us dancing together under the beautiful night sky of Paris. I have never been this satisfied with life before, and I will have to thank (Y/N) for it.

There is some risk with confessing. I started to get kind of scared that (Y/N) will reject me. The thought of that makes me want to break down and cry. I don't talk about it.


(A/N): Heya guys! Erik is already ready to confess! How do you think this scenario is going to end? Is he going to confess to (Y/N)? Or is he going to be too scared to do it, you guys will find out eventually! I promise! School just started, but I'm making as much time as possible to work on updates! Thank you guys for reading so far and voting! It means a lot to me!


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