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LEO DIDN'T LIKE BEING SICK. He hated when people want to help him. It isn't he doesn't appreciate it, he just doesn't like not being able to take care of himself.

He decided to keep controlling the boat, it made him happy, being at the front, being able to see the land for miles. 

He thought about the gods, they were inmmortal, they didn't have to deal with this ever.


At dinner, the seven demigods surrounded the table talking about the monsters and what not they had faced. When they got to Leo, he looked up, and their expressions were clear that they knew it was the disease spirits. 

" Dude", Jason said," don't say it, the Noi soi?"

" How did you know?", Leo asked in a raspy voice.

" Look at you man, I have seen the look on Percy when he breathed in the noi soi's posionous stuff", Jason replied," the gloomy sunken eyes, the-almost-paler-then-Nico's skintone, and the bright red drippy nose.

Leo grunted. The only thing that he hated more than being sick, was when people could TELL he was sick.

Leo excused himself, but as soon as he got up, he collapsed.

A/N Oh gods, sorry for worlds cringiest chapter, Lets pretend Jason is still alive... 

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