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Percy began to lose consciousness quickly.

The image of Annabeth looking into his eyes all scared in a cute way quickly began to fade, as e drifted off into the world of unconsciousness.

He started to have dreams. He saw what might happen to his friends right now if he couldn't help them, especially Leo. 

He started to worry Leo would die, it was enough that Leo was most likely going to slip into a coma from the fighting, alongside being sick.

His dream changed, now he saw Tyson, Ella, Renya, and some other Roman demigods fighting off a wild pack of centaurs. Once they killed them all Tyson turned.

" Tyson!", Percy yelled.

" Percy!", Tyson said with delight.

" How are you guys doing here?", Percy asked.

" Meh", Tyson said, " disease clouds try hurting Reyna."

" Leo too, only he wasn't so lucky.", Percy remarked, " Is she okay?"

" I think so, she acts fine.", Tyson stated.

Reyna walked up to Tyson, and when she noticed Percy, she almost looked scared.

" Umm Percy...?" Reyna asked, " Is that an arrow in your neck?"

" Aw frick, that shows?", He said, " Yeah, some monsters attacked us, a cyclopes...'

Tyson grimaced.

" Like an evil one, not a good one Tyson, it is okay", Percy told him.

" Take care guys!", Percy said, " I will try and I.M you guys later!"

The dream faded, and Percy woke up in a cot.

"Oh gods", Annabeth sighed, " You finally woke up."

" How long was I out?", Percy asked.

" 'Bout a day...", Annabeth said.

" Whoa" Percy said, "where is Leo?"

" Turn around seaweed brain", Annabeth pointed, " You might find him."

" Oh!", Percy said whipping his head around to find Leo with his back facing him, " Hi Leo!"

Percy was glad to see him alive, he was glad to see everybody alive!

Leo muttered something in ancient greek, sneezed, turned around wiping his nose, and waved.

" Oh look you found me.", Leo said grinning.

" Yep", Percy said.

" Help me stand up Annabeth!", Percy ordered.

He tried to stand up but almost fell when Annabeth catched him.

Oh my godssssssssss ok people, I am enjoying writing this story, but it is cringey, sooo..... yeet.

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