Actual Baby Spider

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This was requested by @megannotmeghan and i loved the idea!

Summary: where Peter, Tony and Bruce are trying to figure out time travel with Scott's help and Peter offers to try first.

"Scott's bringing his van for us to play with today, wanna join?" said Tony over the phone.

"Yeah, of course! That sounds so cool, Mr. Stark. What are we doing?" the spider said, while webbing two bad guys to a building's wall "Oh, and I'm taking this" he grabbed the the purse from the robber's hand.

"We've been trying to figure out the whole time travel thing for a while now, and I thing we've got it, so we're starting some trials. Bucky and I have a bet about wether Cap was more of an a-hole before or after the serum. And I've never lost a bet."

Peter laughed and waved at the cops that were on the street "I caught some criminals over here! Yeah, don't look at me like that, you stole a purse, you're a criminal." he smirked at the robbers behind his mask before crawling up the same wall to reach the rooftop of that building "So, basically, you invented time travel to win a bet?"

"Damn right I did"

"Okay, then count me in. You're gonna figure it out, you're Tony Stark, and I will be helping, so, even more chances of winning."

Tony laughed over the phone, warming Peter's heart a little.

"We're at the compound for the weekend, but be at your apartment in 20, I'll send Happy to pick you up and drive you here so that we can finish upgrading your web shooters before the others arrive." he said and hung up.

Peter didn't need to be told twice. He asked Karen to check for more crime going on, but since it was only 3PM on a Saturday, the bad guys were probably napping. The spider swung to back to his apartment and changed out of the suit, into his clothes.

"May," he said walking into his aunt's room, who was watching some romantic comedy in bed "I'm going to the compound, but I'll be back for dinner."

"Alright, sweetie. Be careful" she smiled as he placed a kiss on her forehead "Oh! And say hi to Happy for me, will you?"

Peter rolled his eyes as he heard Happy's car outside (enhanced hearing) "Sure."

And with that, he ran downstairs and jumped into the car, saying his and May's "hi", to which Happy nodded. The rest of the trip was based on Peter telling Happy about his day and him just nodding and making it look like he wasn't listening, but we all know he was.

Happy parked outside the compound and Peter got out of the car with a kick "bye". He didn't want to look too excited, but let's be honest, it's not every day that Tony Stark invites you to figure out time freaking travel. So he speed walked to Tony's lab with a happy smile on his face.

"Hey, Mr. Stark! Are you ready? 'Cause I'm so ready."

Tony looked up from his phone screen to the boy and sent him a smirk.

"We're starting with your web shooters, though."

Peter frowned.

"My web shooters are alright for now, we should get started on the other thing, it's waayy more important."

Tony knew he couldn't argue with the excited teenager, so he asked FRIDAY to show them what he had been working on. Peter read all of it while also hearing Tony explain it to him. They checked a few mistakes, and decided that they will continue with the blue prints until the rest arrived.

Natasha walked into the room wearing a shirt that Peter had given her for her birthday. It said "Spider #1", and she made sure to wear it every time Peter was around.

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