sing me to sleep

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            *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

IT ISN'T THAT IZUKU MIDORIYA DOESN'T LIKE TO SING, it's just that he couldn't. Even the slightest bit of a hum could cause him to experience the most severe pain he's ever felt. It strikes his head first, then travels through his nerves to inflict his whole body— spreading from his spine and outwards.

Katsuki Bakugou knows this and he knows it well. It's why the apartment they live in stays music free. Not once did Katsuki ever play a song in their living space, no matter how long it was stuck in his head for or how badly it bothered him. In the car, the rides remained silent, just filled with the occasional putter and vibrations of the road. Not even classical music was okay, because Izuku lost himself in the music no matter what the genre was, and soon enough, he'd be humming along with instruments, already memorizing the melody without even realizing it.

Katsuki didn't mind, really. He was never a big music enthusiast; and though he did like a few bands, they would never be more important than his boyfriends health. If anything, the less music there was, the more chances he had to spark conversations with greenette. Although, sometimes the silence was alright, they didn't need to say anything— their presence was simply enough.

But Katsuki knew that Izuku yearned to listen to music just like he used to. He knew that Izuku wanted to be on a stage, dancing and singing— performing for all of the world to see. He could tell by the way he would tap his fingers rhythmetically on his thighs and then force himself to stop once he caught himself. Or by the way he would bop his head to some unknown tune playing in his brain, deaf to Katsuki's ears but well alive in Izuku's mind.

He knew how much his boyfriend longed to play the keyboard piano that sat in the corner of their room, to have his fingers press down on the keys and dose the air with harmonic sounds. He knew that Izuku sometimes cried in his sleep, dreaming of the songs he used to play and still knows by heart, even if they seemed a bit faded to him now. He knew how much music meant to his partner and how much it pained him to not be able to pursue it like he planned to.

When Izuku Midoriya turned four years old, his quirk was discovered. It was called, 'muse'. Izuku became an amazing musician in under a year, mastering every instrument known to man. He could sight read any piece of work given to him and wrote his own. The talent truly came out of no where, and some people called it a miracle quirk just because of the raw talent it gave the greenette.

And don't even get Katsuki started on Izuku's singing. His voice was... god, it was so beautiful. It sent chills down Katsuki's spine everytime he thought about the melodic sound. His boyfriends singing sounded like honey, smooth and steady, but also like diamond, an edge of rough, huskiness lacing it with a coarse tone. Anytime Katsuki heard it, his nerves would dissipate just like that.

At age fourteen, Izuku Midoriya became a world-wide musician known as Deku.

His voice was alluring, like a siren at the sea, he pulled Katsuki in with a strong current. The emotions that Izuku's voice conveyed were always right there, laid out in front of not only Katsuki, but all of his fans. There would be times where he cried when he performed, always so overwhelmed with just everything. His voice would crack in the good kind of way in singing, the type where it breaks your heart and entrances you in the song. Perhaps that's what made Deku so popular: the raw emotion that he was able to pour out into the microphone, pulling at everyone's heart strings. It was vulnerable, it was human. As were all of the lyrics that he wrote.

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