The Goblet of Fire

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Fourth year AU, hopefully not as long as the last one but idk yet I sorta just make up the stories as I go, no other ships other than a bit of Ron x Hermoine bc I feel like they kinda liked each other but idk man
Anyways, enjoy lads

Harry's POV:
    The ride to Hogwarts was always enjoyable. 9 long hours of course, but enjoyable nonetheless. Spending time with my friends was always the best way to spend the time, if you don't count *stalking* Malfoy on the Marauders Map.
    Okay I'd never admit it to anyone, but I have a huge crush on Draco Malfoy. I'd never say it to even Ron or Hermoine, and they have no idea, since I always make snide remarks about him, and I even laughed when Hermoine slapped him last year (Brilliant Ron said).
    I just love the way he always gels his hair back (even though I wonder what it would look like without all the gel), and his eyes are just so... frosty. Like it's always snowing inside of them. He's always wearing his robes nice and crisp, I don't think I've ever seen a wrinkle in them. And his tie is always just at the right tight-ness around his neck.
    Hermoine was sat, reading her Ancient Runes textbook (come on Hermoine! Term hasn't even started yet! Said Ron), and Ron was playing exploding snap with Neville, Dean and Seamus. I was looking out the window; it was raining quite a lot, and it reminded me of the train ride to Hogwarts the previous year. A dementor came in and almost sucked all the happy memories out from my face. I remember Malfoy tormenting me for that almost all year, and he even dressed up as a dementor to scare me during a Quidditch match (Is it true you fainted? Like, you actually fainted? He said, almost... concerned?).
    We were 5 hours into the train ride. Good. Now only 4 hours to go, and we'll be at my favourite place in the world. I played exploding snap with Ron and the others for a couple rounds, when someone opened our compartment door; it was Malfoy, with Parkinson on his arm, and Crabbe and Goyle behind them. Malfoy shook his right arm, and I could've sworn he said "not in front of him, Pansy!" Quietly, but I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hear that. Ron and I looked at each other, and Hermoine only glared at Malfoy and his friends.
    "What do you want Malfoy?" Ron said, looking away from me and instead glaring at Malfoy, just as Hermoine was.
    "Oh, nothing, I just wanted to see my favourite people" Malfoy said sarcastically, his eyes narrowing. "Has your father told you about the event happening this year? Or have they forgotten about him? I wouldn't blame them, he's not very... how do I say this... up on the ranks, now is he?"
    "What event Malfoy?" Said Hermoine, her tone was cold, she didn't want to show her eagerness in front of Malfoy.
    "Oh I suppose he hasn't told you lot. Well, I suppose since I've already wasted my time and we have three hours and a half to lose, I could tell you what's up." Malfoy said. He gestured for Neville, Dean and Seamus to get out of the compartment, and they didn't even seem to want to protest. They left hastily, and Malfoy sat down. Hermoine stood up and sat down next to Ron and I, so Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson could all sit on the same seat across from us. Malfoy sat right across from me, next to the window, and Parkinson was next to him, followed by Goyle, then Crabbe. They didn't look like they were there to talk.

*Malfoy explains the Triwizard Tournament, minus the challenges of course, because he doesn't know what they are.*

    We're now in the great hall, and I'm sitting next to Ginny (though she was about a metre away from me) and Seamus (who was immersed in conversation with Dean) Ron and Hermoine were across from me, and Hermoine was saying something about Ron's eating habits, though I wasn't listening. I was mindlessly chewing on a piece of chicken, while concentrating on a conversation behind me. Malfoy and Blaise were talking to each other. Though hushed, and he had to strain his ears to hear them over the chatter of the great hall;
"He needs a bloody haircut! Has he ever been to a... what do Muggles call it.. a barber shop? That nest on his head... he might as well have a raven sitting on top doesn't he Blaise?"
    Blaise simply said "mhm" in response, like Malfoy had been saying stuff like this for a very long time, and he wouldn't shut up about it.
"Bloody goody-two-shoes Potter! Who does he think he is! Walking around... looking so... pretty."
"All he does is smile and laugh! I always intend to make him laugh, but he just looks at me angrily. I wish I could make him smile or something."
"Oh shut up about it Draco! You've been going on and on about Potter! You even wrote to me about him during the summer! Just ask him out already, your father said something about a Yule Ball? Ask him to that!"
    I didn't get to hear the rest of the conversation, because Hermoine threw a piece of bread at me, then asked me my opinion about Ron eating so much. I went to bed that night thinking about what Malfoy had said about me.

~Time Skip~

Draco's POV:
    Potter was chosen to compete in the Triwizard Tournament, and knowing him, he probably didn't want to compete at all. I know that I always say that he's an attention seeking bastard, but I don't really mean it... and this is actually life threatening, not that Potter has no experience with life threatening situations. Yeah, I count them.
    I've had a crush on Potter since our Second year, when I joined the Slytherin Quidditch team. I was intent on beating Potter, but I was very distracted by the way his messy hair flowed in the wind, and I couldn't help but think of how much I wanted to touch it. Gryffindor won that game, even though Potter broke his arm by the end. It took all my will power not to punch Professor Lockhart in the face for disintegrating Potters bones, and even more to not visit him in the hospital wing. I felt bad, and a lot of people thought that I'd tampered with that bludger. I didn't. And neither did any of the other Slytherins, I think. Anyways, I've liked Potter ever since then. I never stopped looking at him during breakfast and dinner in the great hall, and wished that I was there with him, laughing at one of his stupid jokes.
    Potter went to the back room, followed by all of the staff. I don't know what happened after that, since we were all ushered to our dormitories right after. I laid in my bed, hoping that the challenges weren't too dangerous for Potter, and even more so that he didn't need to do them at all, that they wouldn't let him compete.

~Time Skip~

    It was Blaise's idea, the badges. Everyone was wearing them, including me, and I felt sick, seeing people laugh at Potter, and I forced myself to come up with something clever to say, I was sitting in a tree, when he walked past us. I jumped to the ground.
"My father and I have a bet you see, I don't think you'll last ten minutes in the tournament... he disagrees... he thinks you won't last five!"
    I felt terrible, but kept my awful sneer on my face. To my surprise, Potter didn't say anything back, but he did look at bit angry. Instead, he walked up to me. Expecting a punch, I was startled to feel his hand around my wrist. He pulled me away from my friends without saying a word, and walked me through the castles many corridors.
"Potter! Wha— where are you taking me!"
    He didn't respond, but instead, took me to the seventh floor, next to an empty wall. He let go of my wrist, and I decided that I probably shouldn't move. He walked in between a stone statue and the wall, mumbling something under his breath that I couldn't quite hear. He then walked towards the wall, the one that was once empty, and opened a door. He took my wrist again, and pulled me through it. Where did the door come from?
    The room was cosy, and I guessed that this is what the Gryffindor common room looked like, given the red and yellow colours. Potter made me sit down, and finally, he spoke;
"Malfoy, stop lying to yourself. I know you don't actually want to make fun of me."
"I heard you and Blaise during the start of term feast."
    What. Potter heard that? What is going on? Is he mad?
"I just— I was—"
"I— yes?"
"It's fine"
"I... like you also."
"Wait.. Potter.."
"It's Harry."
"Call me Harry."
"Okay.. you call me Draco, then."
"Alright then, Draco."
"Alright, Harry."
"I just confessed to you! Aren't you going to say something?"
"Oh— uh— yeah... sorry I sorta blanked out. I don't uhm... really— have words right now."
"Actions work too?"
    Harry was standing a couple metres from the couch I was sitting on, and I stood up, walking over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug. He returned it.
    After standing like that for about half a minute, we both leaned back a bit, so we could look at each other. His eyes were just as green— if not greener— than before. We both smiled, and he kissed me softly, sending sparks all throughout my body, and my heart rate sped up by a million. We then broke apart, still in each other's arms.
"I need to take off this bloody pin"

Woohoo! 1702 words! Wayyy less than last time, maybe I'm getting better at getting to the damn point!

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