The Brass Vase

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A few days ago, I received a very strange letter from my best friend, Julia.

"Jason, I need you to do something for me tonight. It's very, very important that you do it exactly as I ask. You're probably going to think that this is all crazy, but please just humor me. Maybe we can laugh about all this, if I ever come back.

Do you remember the brass vase that I found half-buried in the forest? The one with the odd markings engraved on it? I need you to go to my apartment and get it.

First, I need you to get a black marker and draw two eyes on the palms of your hands. Make sure the pupils are in the middle of each palm.

Then I need you to go to my apartment. Bring a bag and a candle with you. When you get to the apartment, it will be dark. Don't turn the lights on. Use the candle to light your way.

When you enter my bedroom, you may hear a the sound of whispering. You won't know where it's coming from. Don't let it freak you out. Just ignore it. Don't let it convince you of anything. Just remember, everything it says is a lie.

You'll find the brass vase sitting on the dresser. Make sure you pick it up with both hands at once. Make sure the eyes on both your palms are touching the brass. If you feel something touching you, just ignore it. None of it can hurt you.

Tip the brass vase over, until all the blood has drained out. Make sure you drain it until there is not even one drop left in it. Whatever you do, don't look inside it. For God's sake, don't put your fingers inside it. Just drop it into the bag and leave.

Take it away and get rid of it. Put it somewhere no one will ever find it.

I'm sorry I have to ask you to do this, Jason, but you're the only person I can trust. If I'd known then what I know now, none of this would ever have happened.

Scary For Kids

Brass Vase

scary for kidsFebruary 18, 201626 comments8 min read
The Brass Vase is a scary story about a guy who gets a strange letter from his friend, asking him to do her a very special favor. It's based on a story written by thoughtpod.

Brass Vase

A few days ago, I received a very strange letter from my best friend, Julia.

"Jason, I need you to do something for me tonight. It's very, very important that you do it exactly as I ask. You're probably going to think that this is all crazy, but please just humor me. Maybe we can laugh about all this, if I ever come back.

Do you remember the brass vase that I found half-buried in the forest? The one with the odd markings engraved on it? I need you to go to my apartment and get it.

First, I need you to get a black marker and draw two eyes on the palms of your hands. Make sure the pupils are in the middle of each palm.

Then I need you to go to my apartment. Bring a bag and a candle with you. When you get to the apartment, it will be dark. Don't turn the lights on. Use the candle to light your way.

When you enter my bedroom, you may hear a the sound of whispering. You won't know where it's coming from. Don't let it freak you out. Just ignore it. Don't let it convince you of anything. Just remember, everything it says is a lie.

You'll find the brass vase sitting on the dresser. Make sure you pick it up with both hands at once. Make sure the eyes on both your palms are touching the brass. If you feel something touching you, just ignore it. None of it can hurt you.

Tip the brass vase over, until all the blood has drained out. Make sure you drain it until there is not even one drop left in it. Whatever you do, don't look inside it. For God's sake, don't put your fingers inside it. Just drop it into the bag and leave.

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