#1| Bennett gives cooking classes and a Bennomi moment

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Note: This story was originally #2 but I swapped the order.

Bennett POV

"No, Jordan. You have to slice the vegetables first before you place them in the pot,". I sighed to myself and wiped my forehead with a towel.

All four of us were in the kitchen and I was teaching them how to cook pasta. I had only went to visit my sister Brennan for a week, but when I came back, I found out that the rest of the Musketeers had been eating takeout pizza for all their meals. (Jordan's idea may I add). Needless to say, I was horrified. Thus, I decided it was time for them to learn how to cook something.

"Bennett, this garlic is too small to be cut! It keeps flying around!" Declan grumbled.

I turned around to see both Jordan and Declan struggling to slice the vegetables. Declan was clumsily holding the knife in one hand and using the other to try and hold onto the elusive garlic, but in vain. The garlic flew around the chopping board as he set the knife down again and again. "I've never been good at handling small things," Declan muttered to himself, looking down at his big hands.

Standing beside him, Jordan smiled cheerfully. "Look how well I'm doing," he said. I glanced at him in horror. One, he wasn't slicing the onion the right way and two, if he continued holding the knife like that he was bound to chop his fingers off. I wondered what I was thinking when I asked the two of them to slice the vegetables. If I didn't know better, I would have assumed that the two of the them had never held a knife before.

"Jordan, Declan," I said. "Naomi and I are going to take over. Jordan, go and season the chicken. Declan, fill up the pot with water and boil it." Jordan and Declan did as they were told.

Naomi POV

I looked up, having finally finished peeling the carrots. I had been so hard in work that I hadn't even listened to the conversation at all. Bennett was looking at me and his icy blue eyes met mine. Somehow I got the message and went to join him.

I walked over to where Bennett stood and tried to slice the garlic. Bennett had already sliced the onion and was now slicing the carrot I had peeled into equal pieces effortlessly. I watched in awe as I tried to copy Bennett, but failed miserably. Bennett, noticing my struggle, came over and placed his warm hand on top of mine. "Place your thumb over here," he moved my right thumb gently to the side of the knife's handle. I could feel the heat from his body and couldn't help feeling a little flustered because of our closeness.

He shifted my left hand to hold onto the garlic. "Now slice it like this," he held onto my right hand as he guided me to slice the garlic into equal pieces. I smiled up at him gratefully. "Thank you Bennett!" I said, surprising him by giving him a hug.

"Only for you, Naomi," he said quietly when we pulled away, a small smile playing on his lips.

As we continued slicing the vegetables, I suddenly asked, "Bennett, why do you like chocolate so much?"

He smiled sadly. "When I was young, my family and I would have chocolate cake every week because it was her favourite dessert. She loved chocolate so much. I remember how she would sneak an extra piece of chocolate cake towards me when my father wasn't looking. I think eating chocolate reminded me of all those good memories and gradually, I fell in love with chocolate too."

"Oh Bennett," I looked up at him and saw his light blue eyes slightly damp with tears. He missed his mother so much and it broke my heart a little.

Bennett blinked his eyes rapidly and smiled slightly. "Um..can I ask you a question, Naomi? Do you—" (he wanted to ask her whether she'll go on a date with him)

"Jordan! Don't put the chicken into the pot! We're supposed to put in the pasta first!" Declan bellowed.

Bennett sighed and looked at his hands, before stalking towards Jordan and Declan.


One hour later, all of us sat around the table, about to tuck into the meal we had cooked ourselves. Jordan could barely contain his excitement. He was the first to scoop up a large spoonful of pasta from his plate and stuff it into his mouth. "This is so goo—" He suddenly choked and bits of pasta flew out of his mouth. Declan and I, who were sitting beside him, hastily moved our chairs away from him.

"Water," Jordan croaked and grabbed the closest glass of water. I lunged forward to stop him but he had already drank all of the warm water. "Ahhhh!" Jordan cried, his tongue hanging out, before racing into the kitchen. Declan and I burst into laughter while Bennett looked amused. We watched as Jordan drank the cold tap water from the kitchen sink.

We turned back to our pasta. Declan and I looked at it warily, but Bennett had already started eating his with ease. When we tucked in, Declan choked slightly and his face turned red, while I winced at the burning sensation the chicken had left in my throat. I looked at Bennett, impressed at his deadpanned face. "She loved spicy food too," Bennett whispered to me, and I smiled.

A moment later, Jordan came back. "That was so spicy!" He cried.

Declan rolled his eyes. "That's because you added too much chilli and paprika when you were seasoning the chicken," .

"I wanted to give it more taste! I hate bland chicken!" Jordan protested.

"Jordan, stop arguing and eat your pasta. You need to train your taste buds anyway," Bennett said.

Jordan grudgingly obeyed and choked again as he ate another spoonful.


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