#2| A poster of the four musketeers and a proud Jordan

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I was laying on my bed, exhausted, having finally escaped Jordan and his pleas to dye my hair for me. After almost being in jail once, Jordan had stopped painting on abandoned walls, but now it seemed like he needed to express his artistic side again. Well, all I knew was that my hair was not going to take the brunt. Never.

"Na-o-miii!" Jordan called from across the hallway. I sighed. I couldn't ever escape Jordan, could I? I hadn't even bothered to lock my bedroom door because I knew he would pick it open in seconds. Well, maybe not seconds. Really, his ego didn't need any more boosting.

Suddenly, Jordan burst into the room and flew onto my bed, causing me to roll down my bed and onto the soft rug below it. "Naomi!" he said again triumphantly. I groaned in pain, mostly because of my injured dignity that I had been kicked out of my own bed.

"Jordan! Did you hurt her?! Because if you did..." Declan growled from the hallway.

Jordan suddenly jumped up from the bed and looked towards me, his green eyes filled with concern. "Oh Naomi, did I hurt you? Oh no, oh no!" He plopped down onto the floor and went on his knees, crying out loud while wiping imaginary tears off his face.

I sighed. Sometimes I wondered how I tolerated Jordan and how dramatic he was. Although I supposed it was funny at times. Declan, who came in to check, rolled his eyes at Jordan.

"So Jordan, what was it that you wanted to ask? If it's about dying my hair, you know I already said no," I smirked at him.

"Oh, the hurt!" Jordan cried, putting a hand over his heart. Then he grinned at me. "No, I thought of something even cooler. Why don't I paint a picture of us, the four musketeers, with that easel you gave me?"

I smiled, relieved that he had dropped the idea of dying my hair. "Of course! But how are you going to paint yourself?"

"Oh, that's easy!" Jordan reached into his pocket and took out a picture, passing it to me. It was a selfie of him with his shirt off, flexing an arm to the mirror.

"Jordan!" I cried in mock horror, shielding my eyes from the picture and hurriedly returning it to him. "You are not painting yourself like that!"

"Why not," Jordan replied, a cheeky glint in his eye. "I've even set this picture as Declan's phone screen when he wasn't looking!" he whispered in my ear. I tried hard to stifle a laugh.

"Come on, let's gather the others so that I can paint the picture!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the living room.

"Bennett, Declan! I thought of something cool we could do!" He said. Bennett was flipping through a magazine with a bored expression on his face and Declan was playing video games. However, they both looked up when we entered the room.

"What is it, Jordan?" Bennett asked.

"I'm going to paint a picture of us! It's about time The Four Musketeers have our own poster," Jordan said happily, as he typed something on his phone.

Before Bennett could reply, Declan's phone buzzed with a text notification. He reached for it across the table and growled, "JORDAN! Why are you on my phone!"

"Thought I could show off my arms once in a while, Declan, since you seemed to forget about them," Jordan replied.

Bennett gave me a puzzled look as I sat down on the couch beside him.

"Jordan set a picture of him with his shirt off as Declan's phone screen," I explained.

Declan and Jordan started to talk over one another.

"Show off? Do u want me to —"

"Say I'm awesome? Aww thanks Declan!"

"No I meant punch—"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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