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Hey my lovelies! Like I said, this chapter will just be for theories of Unlocked or could be just what you think might happen in the future of the kotlc books! (Warning: I might have quite a few grammar mistakes!)

Quickly if you haven't seen this already take a look at it! I can't wait! Keefe's POV will be in there along with Sophie's! Also there will be black and white Illustrations! Another thing is is that they are now making a map of the whole lost cities!!!!! Those aren't the only things and if you want to see more take a look at the pic! Shannon Messenger really is taking Unlocked to another level! I can tell you right now that it will be epic! Also I think Shannon also named this book Unlocked because they are gonna finally open the cache!!!!! EEEKKKS!!!!!😁 (Sorry! I get super excited with this stuff!)

Quickly if you haven't seen this already take a look at it! I can't wait! Keefe's POV will be in there along with Sophie's! Also there will be black and white Illustrations! Another thing is is that they are now making a map of the whole lost citi...

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I am gonna to talk about some of my theories but not all. My theory for Keefe's new ability is that he will either become a conjurer because it says in Neverseen his mom had him get tested for a conjurer twice, an inflictor maybe because the Neverseen might want to be even with the Black Swan since Sophie is an inflictor, and the last one I am not quite sure how to explain but I think he will have two abilities mixed in one that will have something to do with shadowflux and illusions.

Next I want to share my theory about Councillor Terik. I think he could possibly be part of the Neverseen because as y'all know he is a Descryer and it said in one of the kotlc books that he tested Alvar. He had to have sensed the bad potential in him but yet he didn't say anything. He could have not said anything because he is secretly part of the Neverseen. For that theory I am iffy on but I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.

Another theory is that Marella's Dad is Trix which is a very common theory to all. I think this because as y'all know they are both Gusters and Marella never really talks about him because he is probably never around since he is part of the Neverseen.

My other theory is that I think Blur is Jensi's brother. I think this because first of all they are both Phasers and also in the book Nightfall when Keefe, Blur, Sophie, and Lady Cadence were on the boat heading to Ravogog, It said that when the water splashed on Blur, Sophie was able to get a glimpse of him and said his features look familiar.

My last theory I will be sharing today is that I think Sokeefe/Keefie/Team Foster-Keefe will happen (No duh, Gina) Since that would take to long to write all the reasons why I will share it with you on another story or this one later on in the future when I share my other theories.

Lemme know what y'all think of my theories and pls tell me urs! I am excited to know what you think might happen! Vote and comment! Bye for now!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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