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"PLEASE WELCOME YOUR BEVERLY HIGH EAGLES " the announcer said through the speakers all around the football field. All that can be heard is the cheers and excitement of everyone all around

" After a quick turnover on downs Chatsworth scores" the announcer says "Boo" the whole crowds says " Hut , Hut" jordan day passing the ball to Spencer james who runs past all the players dodging all the hits "And Spencer james breaks up the pass " the announcer says yelling

" Were the eagles were mighty and were feared so come at us Chatsworth cause we can kick your ass " I said along with the cheerleaders cheering

ANNOUNCER: Here's an interesting sub. Spencer James coming in for Asher Adams on offense.

" GO SPENCER GO SPENCER GO GO GO SPENCER YOU GOT THIS " I yelled out loud waving my pomp pomps around like a maniac. I know I'm a horrible person for not cheering on jordan but it's Spencer's first game I want it to be special for him

ANNOUNCER: All right, here we go, folks. Beverly down by with seconds left in the game. Here we go, here we go. . Watch . Here we go. ! Hut! Baker drops back. Scrambles to the left. James going wide. What a block by Spencer James! He cleared Baker for the end zone. He's at the , , ! - Touchdown! - Yeah! Beverly wins! What a game!

"WOOO " the crowds start yelling in excitement " SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER "the crowd starts yelling Spencer's name , Spencer stopped and looked all around him seeing everyone cheering him on he smiled to himself feeling so grateful

I run up to jordan " jordyyyyy you guys won !!" I said jumping on him and hugging him giving kisses all around his face beside his lips " I know " he says all embarrassed " hey what's that on your face " he started touching his face " where " I laughed " your cheeks turning red that's what " he blushed even harder " how cute " I said walking away


As I laid down relaxing to music enjoying the warm feeling of the sun against my skin I felt at peace but that was shortly over as I feel something or someone in the way of the sun " I swear whoever it is you have a 10 second head start " I said o...

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As I laid down relaxing to music enjoying the warm feeling of the sun against my skin I felt at peace but that was shortly over as I feel something or someone in the way of the sun " I swear whoever it is you have a 10 second head start " I said opening my eyes

" come join me play football " I took off my sunglasses " a week is 7 days meaning every 7 days you play football and your telling me on your fun time your still playing football nice baker " I said

" It's so much fun though " he said with puppy eyes "ugh fine " I said getting up but right when I do " catch jordan " I see JJ throw the ball and jordan gets hit and falls I laughed "never mind this is fun " I said picking up the ball and throwing it a JJ " nice one JJ" jordan said getting up and brushing off the sand " my bad " JJ said laughing

JJ threw the ball back to me and jordan started coming at me " oh no " I said running as fast as I could but not fast enough " jordan put me down " I said but he already had me and started running to the water throwing me in

"Your so gonna pay for that " I said splashing water at him " Aw that's so adorable splashing water at me like a little baby " he said laughing " I'll show u little baby my ass " I jumped on him and held on to him as he tried to shake me off . Jordan thought of the smartest thing ever he threw himself more back into the water since I was on his back "motherfu—"

He threw water at me " no cursing missy " I shook my head " make me " those two words did it for jordan baker . He grabbed me pulling me in closer and kissed me for good minute. He pulled back " oh my gosh I'm so sorry " he said rambling

"Shut up and kiss me " I said bring him back in for the kiss "OOO IS THAT BAKER AND KEATING MAKING OUT " JJ said yelling out loud making all their friends turn their way . I pulled away soo fast " JJ I'mma kill u " I said running out the water chasing him leaving jordan in the water shocked


" so you kissed my brother " Olivia said to me while driving " technically he kissed me I just kissed him the second time " I stated " mhm sure " she said laughing " so who are you going with to the boosters party " she asked me "what that's tonight I forgot about that " I groaned " you can always ask jordan " Olivia offered " I don't know about that "

" don't get me wrong I like your brother but we just kissed not even 20 minutes ago I don't think he'll even ask me to be honest " I said she nodded " I have a strong feeling he is " I shook my head " who do you think you are Bonnie Bennett now " she laughed

"Hey in my defense I'm a witch " I hit her " I think you been watching to much vampire diaries lately " I said laughing " first of Ouch and second of all it's a really good show " she says defending herself

" I mean it's alright I only watch it for klaus an damon but if I'm being honest here I'm more of a teen wolf kind of person " I said with a big smile " she rolled her eyes " teen wolf really " I gasp " hey I like wolves and I like stiles stillinski he's my spirt animal " she laughed " your insane "

" thank you I know " I said " so have you said anything to Lelia yet " she said looking at me for a answer " look liv I love my sister and I love you I'm not going to get in between if she finds out it's going to be from you not me because In the end it's better to have someone come clean then finding out the hard way " I said she nodded I grabbed her hand " look I'm just gonna say this one time " I said

" if she finds out I had nothing to do with this " she pulled her hand away " seriously " she said giving me a look " Hey in my defense she cooks for us I'm not trying to be like a Snow White where she eats the apple and goes to sleep forever or dies I don't know which one it was but I don't want to find out either way " I said crying of laughter she shook her head

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