Part 16

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Mahir pov

Why bela lied to me?? Is there someone else in her life, damn why she lied to me if she was with that guy then why she told me that she was in hospital why she hide this thing from me i am sure there is something i need to find it out.

Yup natasha she is working with bela i can tell her to keep eye on bela, is it ok?? to keep eye on your wife no it is not ok i trust her and i don't want to do any foolish thing but, what about my heart?? shall i ask her as if she is going to tell me she will definitely not.

Is due to that guy she behaves like this i am not getting anything but i know there is something which i don't know.

I was thinking all this and then vish come to my room with dinner.

Mahir : haa vish bolo

Vishakha : mahir i don't know what is wrong between you and bela, par aise khane pe ghussa nikalna accha nahi hai

Mahir : vish i know but i am not in a mood to eat anything

Vishakha : mahir please eat something its not good, to slept empty stomach

Vish didn't let me say anything, she take one morsel of food and feed me.

Bela pov

Why did he behaved like this, i told him that i went to hospital still he behaved like this.

Why he was hurt this much as i went hospital for this?? no, no i know how caring mahir is why he will have problem if i met with my friend who is hospitalized definitely the problem is not that.

I didn't told him and went yes this might be a reason, god why i didn't inform him that i am going.

I should check him once and i will also ask apology for not telling him.

I was going to enter in his room, wait wait what i am watching vishakha feeding him his dinner wow here i am feeling guilty and what not but look at this best no no bestest friends enjoying there dinner.

Here he don't care i had my dinner or not, i am hungry or not he just care about himself.

And what i am doing here i should leave and yes i am not going to talk this man.

Bela leaves.

Mahir : vish stop, i am full now

Vishakha : but you just had two morsel, how can you full

Mahir : vish please

Vishakha : mahir see if you will talk to her then things will get easier for you talk to her sort out the things if you keep it to yourself then it will get complicated

Mahir : vish you really think that i

Vishakha : yes mahir you should

Mahir : ok i will think about it

Vishakha's phone ring.

Vish : i need to take this, shall i

Mahir : yeah of course

Vishakha leaves from there.

Bela was pacing in her room, thinking about only that incident which she saw now.

She stop pacing as her phone rings she looks at the number and it is of that same girl, she ended call but it again rings with uninterested look she received it.

Bela : listen i am in no mood to talk with you

Girl : you guys didn't had your dinner, is something happen

Bela : leave it yaar

Girl : but why?? you was there mahir was there, still you didn't had your dinner

Bela : what mahir?? mahir restaurant what are you saying, he didn't came there

Girl : why are your lying, i saw him

Bela : what you saw him, where

Girl : he was there, when i was talking on phone i thought you called him

Bela : what mahir was there, oh shit now i got it what happen to him shit shit, what a blunder i did

Girl : what happen, what are you saying

Bela : listen i will call you later now i need to clear something

Girl : bela, bela you listen you need to come here right now

Bela : what now

Girl : yes now, i am leaving you also leave

Bela : see i cant

Girl : i am not asking you can or cant you have to come see its urgent

Bela : ok i will

Bela pov

Shit yaar it sucks, what mahir must be thinking about me a liar of course he will, why i lied to him such a idiot i am, i will persuade him any how first i have to meet this guys shall i tell mahir that i am going out no no he is so busy with his friend i am sure he wouldn't care if i am here or not.

Bela sit in her porsche and started to drive thinking that when she will be back she will do everything alright.

Here mahir think he should talk to her, and he went towards her room.

Mahir : bela see i

But he stop as he didn't find her in room, he started to finds her in washroom, balcony he comes downstairs hurriedly, went towards kitchen he almost found her in every corner of house but she is nowhere to seen.

Scene changes.

Girl : so bela did you find any proof against him, as we needed it, anything any activity you find it suspicious just tell us

Bela : guys i don't know what i am saying, but trust me i think mahir is not involved in all this

Girl : it means you didn't find anything, huh three months its been three months since you are with him and you didn't find anything

Boy : hey why are you yelling at her its not her fault

Girl : yeah you are right its not her fault its our fault that we thought she would help us

Bela : trust me guys three months i was with him and i didn't find doing him a single activity which is suspicious

Girl : this can't happen i am damn sure you are missing something bela

Boy : listen listen if bela is right then we wasted our three months behind that person who is nothing to do anything with all that stuff

Bela : exactly thats what i am saying

Girl : no, no, no, you are not understanding why this is happening but i know why this everything is happening i think your girlfriend oh no now may be i think your ex girlfriend fall for her husband am i right bela


Guys how is the twist??

Next part will be posted after good response only.

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