Chapter 9 A strange boy

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That night, she see nothing but darkness. Then suddenly, a big skull hand shows up near and nearer. The blood is also spilt out everywhere again. 

Ah, stop! Mitsuki is awake when she is being shocked by the skull hand. 

The nightmare didn't stop. I almost can't had a good sleep. Mitsuki is sighing and wake up from the bed. 

"Good morning! Everyone! We need to take breakfast now!" Mayumi is having a fresh smile to everyone and go outside the bedroom. 

"Good morning, everyone! Rise and shine!" Marcia is also greeting to her. 

"Ah,the snow storm finally stop. "Hanako look outside the window and said. 

"Yahoo! We can finally play outside!" Hana is happy and jump off from the bed. "Now I can finally play snowball fight!!!!"

"And build a snowman!" Hanako said. "Let's go eat breakfast and so we can go outside and play!!"They leave the room with laughter and continue chat together. 

"Are you alright?" When everyone are almost leave the room , Hoshi ask Seiichi as he is still have  a sleepy face. 

"I don't think I am alright." Seiichi sighs. "I can't even sleep, the noise is too loud and keep annoying me sleeping."

"You mean the noise from the secret door?" Mitsuki said.

"Yes.I felt like I am in hell every night. Therefore, I sleep at morning and please don't interrupt me." He then lying on the bed and ready to hit the sack. 

"But I think you should now awake no matter what." Harita suddenly appear and take off his blanket and said. "Hey,no..." At the same time, Hoshi wants to stop her but it is too late. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I JUST WANT TO SLEEP!" Seiichi is started furious and shout .

"Because you sleep too much at day so you will energetic at night and can't sleep." Harita said. 


"None of your business, you little bitch! Get away from me!" When Mitsuki is talking,  Harita is shouts to her. 

"Hey,can you please stop scold my sis ?! You-" Hoshi is getting upset and scolds to her. 

"No, please just let him a nap, he is angry now." Mitsuki put her hand at Hoshi mouth to let him stop scolding and she said it calm. 

" I do that so he will get tired and can sleep it easily at night."

"... ..." Seiichi said nothing although he is in a bad mood. He then wake up from the bed."Well,I try. "

"Hey,you four still here." Masaru appeared at the door and said. "Come,today breakfast have your favourite eggnog!"

"Oh,really?" Seiichi's eyes become brighter and delighted. "I am coming! I am coming!" He then leave the room quickly with Masaru. Mitsuki and Hoshi are giggle and follow them. Then, Harita the last. 


After the breakfast, all the children at the outside playing together. They all wearing winter clothes and gloves. Some of them are also wearing winter hats. 

"Don't get cold outside and stay safe!"Ayane advise them all before they go. 

"Why you don't play with us?" Marcia ask. "It will be fun!"

"Nah,I will get fever easily." Ayane said. "Maybe you can find brother Daichi or Osamu, they will love to."

"Oh,please. Miss Ayane,I just want you to play with me." Marcia coquettish to Ayane.

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