Chapter 16: Part 1

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The police line had been set up much as Charth had described it. Butan and I arrived there with only a haversack each on our backs. Two police in navy blue suits and a bowler hat looked at my pregnant tummy, nodded, and then lifted the red cordon line.

We ducked underneath into a small plaza surrounded on four sides by blocks of terraced housing. Charth was waiting at the centre of this next to a statue of King Cini II. He walked forwards, took hold of my father's hand and then kissed me on the cheek. "We must be fast. Once I turn into a dragon and people see it from out their windows, pretty quickly news will get to the king that there's a dragon in the square."

I shook my head. "Which means that Alsie will know that you're helping us."

"She will. But we don't plan on going back. My father and I have planned everything out fully – from where you'll deliver the baby, to the route we'll take and the people we'll bribe to escape. Now, we should get going."

"Very well," Butan said. "Then let's get to it."

Charth took a couple of steps back and promptly turned into a dragon. The ground underfoot was muddy, and he ended up plastering Cini's father's statue from head to toe in spatters of brown. I laughed. That would rile up the king, for sure.

Once his transformation cloud had settled, I could see Charth in dragon form with his tail to us. I took a deep breath, then ran up the tail and took my position at Charth's neck. "Come on, Butan." I beckoned him onwards.

He paused a moment, took a step back, and barrelled forwards as fast as he could. By the time he reached my position, he was scrambling, and I had to offer him a hand to keep him steady. He clutched this firmly, almost pulling me off the dragon too.

Above me, a man on the top floor of one of the flats opened a curtain. He reached out to open the window, just as Charth took off. Brace yourself, he said. And make sure your father holds on tight.

Got it.

Charth had plenty of fins and horns sticking out of his back that we could hold on to. But still, I had to clench my thighs tight to make sure I stayed steady. I just hoped my father would know to do the same. He'd never actually ridden a dragon before.

And behind me, Butan looked terrified that he might fall off. "Hold on to the fin in front of you," I instructed.

He huffed and then clamped both his hands together around it. But that didn't stop his lips trembling and return any colour to his face. Really, I'd never seen my father so terrified before.

We were soon rising over the secicao smog. I took a deep breath when we passed the threshold of the clouds — it was amazing how much fresher things air seemed all of a sudden, once you were no longer breathing Slaro air. Next, Charth turned a little and we headed south.

We passed a few military airships on the way. But the men were below deck and none of them seemed to notice a passing dragon. After about an hour of fast flying, Charth slowed his pace down a little. The sun was shining strong this point, and there were only a few clouds. Charth brought us down to land and then reached up to roar to the sky, an indication that he'd rather we dismounted.

You could have just said something, I said, slightly concerned about the fragility of my eardrums.

Can't a dragon have a little fun?

What? Charth having fun? I never thought I'd see the day?

Yes, the sweet taste of freedom. I guess I'm starting to change.

He had dropped us off in a field in the countryside, with what seemed like yards upon yards of yellow canola flower. The smell permeated the air with sweet sickliness. There was a barn across the field, and Charth led me over to this. Taka was kicking in my tummy and I could tell she'd enjoyed the ride.

"This is where you shall have the child," Charth said, now in human form.

"Who'll be the doctor?" I asked.

"My father. I told you he's a man of science, right?"

"Colas is a man of many things it seems." And just as I mentioned him, he appeared at the door to greet us. The smell of freshly baked food wafted out the front door.

"Ah, so you're finally here," he said. "Why don't you come in? I've baked a cake." He stepped back inside.

I turned to Butan. "Go on ahead," I said. "I just want a little heart to heart with Charth here."

Acknowledgement registered on my father's face, and he went inside to join his own friend.

Charth was keeping his distance from me, a little awkwardly. I stepped up to him and looked at him. But he lowered his gaze.

Charth, I said in our minds. What happened on the airship that day... No matter how much happened in the last six months. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I just wanted to know.

He raised his hand to stop me. Sukina, I'm sorry. Things are different now.

But I thought... I just wondered if there might...

I promised I'd get you and the baby out of here. He didn't look at me as he spoke. But that's as far as our agreement goes. Now if you excuse me, my father needs help in the kitchen.

And he left me on the doorstep, with a completely befuddled mind.

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