She woke up...,she smiled and she thought about her night with zayn,.
She turned, he was beside her,sound asleep...,she slowly got up,and then walked towards her baby cot,she picked her up,
"Good morning my love...," she kissed her .
"I'll go...get you milk...,but I'll keep you with daddy.."she placed her baby beside zayn and then slowly went out,
" I'm telling you aunt...,Ariana knows something and she's going to make us pay!"zoey said to solidad,
"I know...zoey...but we have to be careful...,"
"Good morning aunt.."
"Arh!!!!!....."they both screamed,
" what's wrong?, why did you scream?,did you see a ghost or something? "
"A... ghost?" Zoey asked.
"No!" Yolanda screamed.