I won't pay

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While Dolly was talking with rat, Dylan found Pearl.

Dylan: Pearl! Thank dog, I need your help!

Pearl was surprised by Dylan, he was very afraid. She knew that something serious happend.

Pearl: What is going on Dylan?

Dylan couldn't catch his breath after running behind Dolly- Dolly.... she.... she ran away... and...

Pearl: She ran away? Why?

Dylan: She ate something strange and became wild. After returning to herselfshe was scared. I think she didn't know what to do so she just ran away.

Pearl: If you are right, we have to find her quickly.

Dylan: I know but I don't know where she could be.

Pearl: I will call for other police officers and we will find her.

Dylan: Ok, I will keep searching.

After that they went to do what they said. Dolly was still in rat's room.

Dolly: Payment?

Rat: Yeah, remember, I told you that you will pay me next time. This is next time.

Dolly: I won't pay you for this!

Rat: Oh you will.

Dolly: It destroyed my life!

Rat: I don't care sweety, you took it and now you have to pay.

Dolly: Even if I want to, I don't have any money.

Rat: I expected that.

Dolly was confused.

Rat: You don't need money.

Dolly: What?

Rat came to her closer, Dolly wanted to made step back byt she stayed in her place.

Rat: You are really pretty girl, with your body payment isn't a problem.

Dolly was disgusted by that.

Rat: My boys will like you.

Dolly pushed rat away when he started to touch her in way that annoyed her.

Dolly: Step away!

Rat: Don't be like that my little cutie.

Dolly: Stop calling me like that! I won't pay you in any way!

Rat: So you want to get in trouble- he said with angry tone.

Dolly: No, you want to get in trouble, police will get you after what you did to me!

Rat: Police? I don't think so. Boys!

Dolly turned back and froze in her place. She was really scary becouse she saw two big pitbulls in front of her.

Dolly: Let me go!

Brutus: I think you will stay with us.

Dolly was frightened but she saw her chance to escape. She fastly ran between two dogs to the door. Before she left the room one of them hit her leg by his paw and hurt her. It was painful but she didn't stop.


Pitbulls ran after Dolly. She was trying to lost them but it was impossible. They were faster and she had injured leg. Suddenly she saw Dylan in front of her.

Dolly: Dylan!

Dylan: Dolly?!-she came to him- Why are you bleeding?!- he was very afraid.

Dolly heard dogs behind her- No time to talk! Come, fast!

They started to run, Dylan realised that they were in serious danger.

Dylan: Why are we running?!

Dolly: They want to kill me!

Dylan didn't know who were "they" but he just knew that they had to escape. After some second he saw that Dolly was slowing down.

Dolly: I can't any more! Ran Dylan!

Dylan couldn't leave her- No- he took Dolly on his back and started to ran but he was too slow with her. They had no chance to ecape. He turned in dark street where were lots of trash and bins. He had only one idea.

Dylan: Dolly, get in here.

She went where Dylan wanted and she realized that it was and old cage. Dylan locked her inside.

Dolly: What are you doing?!

Dylan: This is the only way.

Dolly: How?!

Dylan: Becouse now I won't hurt you- he said and showed her rest of pills.

Dolly was frightened- No no no no! You can't!

Dylan: Police is searching for us, but I have to slow those dogs down, so they won't hurt you.

Dolly started to cry in desperation- They will kill you!

Dylan: But not you.


Dylan: It's ok Dolly.

Dolly: Please.

Dylan: What did you say before?- he brought the tablets closer to his mouth- Try everything- and he ate them.


Dylan heard the last sentence and turned back to her. Before he became wild he said- I love you too.

Dolly was shocked, she wanted to touch Dylan through cage bars but he became beast. He tried to attack her but cage stopped him. Dolly's heart was breaking while she was looking on Dylan in that state. After some seconds Dylan heard Brutus and Franklin, they were near. He ran to them.

Dolly lost Dylan of her view but after a while she heard something that made her cry even more. She heard the sounds of fighting and screams.

Dolly: NOOO! LET ME OUT!- she was trying to get out of that cage but she couldn't.

Suddenly she heard someone.

Dolly: Pearl!- police horse came to her and opened cage. She took Dolly and started to ran.

Dolly: No! You have to help Dylan! Turn back!

Pearl: We have to leave this place. It's dangerous and I have to keep you safe.

Dolly: Dylan will die there!- she was trying to free herself but Pearl was holding her strongly.

Pearl: Police dogs will help him.

Pearl took Dolly to hospital. Doctors had to dress her wound. After few hours Pearl came to Dolly.

Dolly: Where is Dylan?

Pearl: We have found that rat who had sold you that pills. He will stay in prison with his bodyguards.

Dolly: I don't care, where is Dylan?!- she was very afraid of her brother.

Pearl started to sound sad- He wasn't enough strong to beat two pitbulls. They hurt him and he is now in critical state.

Tears came to Dolly's eyes.

Pearl: He is in here, in hospital but doctors aren't sure if he will stay alive till tomorow.

Dolly said with cracking tone- C-can I s-see him?

Pearl: I will take you to him.

Dolly wasn't able to walk normally so Pearl carried her to Dylan's room.

Pearl: Here.

Dolly: Thank you- she said and came inside limping.

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