He said "no"

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It was a sunny day in London, as sunny as Dolly's humor. She was preparing herself for a big moment. She was about to show to Hansel what she feels to him. She had never been too elegant or something like that but she did some things to look as beautiful as it was possible. After that she went to rhe door where she met Dylan.

Dylan: Hey sis (he saw her unusual look) Wow Dolly, why are you looking like that today?
And why are you happier than normal?-he asked curiously.

Dolly was really excited so she wanted to share her big day with somebody: I will tell Hansel what I'm feeling!

Dylan: That's great Dolly!- he was surprised that Dolly can be more energic that everyday- That a really brave move.

Dolly: Yeah, this will be awesome!

Dylan: So I'm not slowing you down, good luck sis.

Dolly: Thanks!- she was about to leave but DJ stopped her.

DJ: Dolly wait, you have to help me in my sound test, remember?

Dolly stopped and realized that she promised DJ to do this becouse it was important for him. She didn't know what to do but...

Dylan: I will help you-he wanted to give Dolly free way to go. He didn't want to destroy this really important day.

Dolly: Really?

DJ: You sure bro?

Dylan: Yeah, it's ok.

Dolly: Thank you Dylan.

Dylan: What are the brothers for?- he said smiling- Ok, go, don't waste time.

Dolly: Ok, later!- and she went to the park. It took a while to find Hansel but she finally found him. He was alone, sitting near pond.

Dolly(to herself): Perfect.-she came to Hansel.

Dolly: Hey Hansel!

Hansel: Oh, hey Dolly, what's up?

Dolly: I have to ask you about something.

Hansel: What's that?

Dolly: I wanted to say you that for a long time becouse, you see, I think you are really awesome dog, so handsome and...

Hansel: Dolly wait.

Dolly was confused.

Hansel: Listen, I really like you as a friend, but you are not in my type. I'm sorry but I know what you want to say and my answer will sounds no.- he knew that his words were hard for Dolly but that was just a truth.

Dolly's excitement left in one second. His face turned really sad: Oh, I-I...

Hansel: I'm sorry Dolly but I don't want to lie to you.

Dolly: N-no, it's ok. Thank you for your honest. I have to go-she said and turned back.

Hansel: Ok, bye.

Dolly made her way to the house. She still wasn't sure what happend but she knew that that was end. While walking her eyes got wet and she was feeling worse and worse. When she entered her house she immediately made her way to the room where she was alone.

Dylan saw her entering and realized that something was wrong. He finished his work so he went to her. He slowly opened the door and came to Dolly. She turned back didn't want Dylan to see her crying.

Dylan: Dolly, what happend?

Dolly: Nothing.

Dylan: Don't lie to me. I know when something is wrong to you and I really hate this so let me help.

Dolly: It's Hansel. He said that.... that I'm not in his type- she started to cry openly.

Dylan hugged Dolly trying to comfort her: I'm sorry sis.

Dolly: Why he doesn't like me? Is there something wrong with me?

Dylan: Of course not. You are really fantastic dog. You are so funny, happy and energic. You are always smiling and it's awesome.- Dylan wanted to cheer Dolly up but in fact his words wasn't a lie. He really thought that- You are doing many incredible things and you are really cute.

Dolly was listening with pleasure. Nobody had told her something like that ever before. It was really nice.

Dylan: You are a dream girl for so many dogs. You just have to find them but I believe that with your personality...- he wiped her tears by his paw and looked into her eyes- ...won't be hard.

She was feeling like never before. It was the most beautiful thing that she had ever heard. She just put her head on Dylan's chest and hugged him tightly.

Dolly: Thank you bro.

Dylan: Everything for you. Remember that I'm always here, willing to help you with any problem.

She didn't want this moment ends. She wanted to stay like that with Dylan forever. It was strange but she wanted to be as close to him as possible.

Dylan: Dolly, I have to prepare dinner for everyone. Do something for me and came downstairs with a smile.

Dolly: Why.

Dylan: Becouse I really like to see your smile.

Dolly: Ok, I will try.

Dylan: So we will meet in few minutes ok?

Dolly: Ok.

Dylan left the hug and went downstairs leaving Dolly in that room.

There was a lot of things in her mind. She realized that there was only one dog who was always with her. Always protecting her before danger. Always caring about her. Always wanting her to be happy. There was only one dog who had never hurt her.

Dolly knew that, that feeling which was inside her was something more than love to a family member. That was even bigger feeling than her love to Hansel. She knew that she loves Dylan, she wanted to go to him and stay with him. She wanted to tell him about her feeling but she was afraid about that if he will accept her. What if he wasn't feeling like Dolly? She was very afraid that he would reject her.

Dolly decided to keep her love in secret to the moment when she will be sure that Dylan loves her too. With that Dolly made her way downstairs, smiling to made Dylan glad.

Dylan saw her: That's my sister-he said happily.

Dolly: Yeah, do you want help.

Dylan: You should rest today, I will finish all chores.

Dolly: Oh no, I will help and you won't stop me.

Dylan: Hehe, ok so prepare bowls.

Dolly: Sure.

They prepared everything and dinner went like always. After dinner Dylan asked Dolly to come with him to his treehouse so they went there.

Dolly: So what do you want?

Dylan: I have a serious question.

Dolly: Yeah?

Dylan: I know that you had a hard day but this is about love.

Dolly started to think that he is going to show his love to her- And?-she asked excited.

Dylan: Do you...

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