Love at First Bite

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You weren't one to stare, especially when the thing you were staring at was someone you had never met before, because staring at strangers usually led to confrontation. People could be mean, but the world could be downright cruel, and this was a hard truth you learned when your parents kicked you out on your 18th birthday, giving you a gift of 100 yuans before they told you to start packing. Sure, everyone is expected to stop living with their parents at around 18 or so, but it was all so sudden for you that you had got your stuff and left, without anywhere else to go. With all your stuff shoved into a duffel bag, you made your way across Republic City in search of a job, and maybe even a home if you stopped by a bank; honestly, you were just lucky enough to remember the code to your savings account. 

But enough about the past, and more about the handsome man you were staring at. He was quite handsome, with jet black hair gelled elegantly, shining magnificently in the summer's late afternoon sun, his eyes a enticing light green that seemed to be greener than all the plants and herbs you had ever seen, causing you to stare deeply into them. You could get lost in them and never wish to be rescued, and you almost did get completely lost before a loud yell and a sudden pain shot through you. 

It probably isn't the best idea to stand in the middle of the road. You thought to yourself, all the while laying on the ground, pain shooting up from your right leg, seeing as you landed on it funny. Oh, and because you got hit by an oncoming motorist. I wonder where those beautiful eyes are now, are they staring at me now? Staring at me as I lay on the ground in pain like an idiot? Most likely. 

You finally paid attention to what was happening around you, the shouts of some old man and another man who's voice was rather childish, but still made way for a superior sense of authority. The younger man seemed angry. Finally, you sat up with a groan, the pain starting to make it's way up your body. There. You saw him, it was the same green you were staring at when it happened. The same green that was...yelling at a middle aged man who sat on a motorcycle, the same motorcycle that was barreling towards you at breakneck speed, all while you stood there gaping like an idiot. 

He's...defending me? You thought, staring at the two men go back and forth in their banter, not seeming to pay attention to you. After the green eyed man handed the graying man a card, he finally looked your direction. [E/C] met green yet again, and the depths of said green were even deeper than before. You then registered that he was talking to you. 

"Hey, are you okay?" He lowered his hand to help you up, offering it with such a warm gaze that caused your heart to melt, "That must have been a nasty hit, you can barely sit up!" 

After staring for another few seconds, like a total moron, you finally took the offered hand, finding it was warm and calloused, probably from hitting the gym, after all those muscles don't make themselves. After you wobbled for a few seconds, the handsome stranger wrapped an arm around your waist, leading you somewhere away from where you fell.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked, looking at him as he stared ahead to lead you further down the road, "Also, not to be rude, but who are you?" 

"Oh, I'm Bolin, and I'm taking you to back to my place." Bolin, so the handsome face had a handsome name. Bolin then realized that what he said sounded rather suggestive, so he blushed and corrected himself. "I'm taking you back to my place to treat your wounds." 

"Oh..." You had no idea what to say, no one had really talked to you since your parents kicked you out all those weeks ago, and you could barely form a proper response. "Thank you, Bolin. It...It really means a lot." 

"Don't mention it! Helping people is my specialty!" Bolin laughed, so you laughed, too, all the while practically being dragged to Bolin's home. 

Love at First Bite - Bolin X Non-Bender!Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now