Chapter 01

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*A/N - Hello everyone, we meet again. I hope you enjoy this story as well.

Arthit's POV

'Good morning P'Kongpob!'

The shout of 100 soldiers startled me out of my half asleep state almost making me spill the precious life saving beverage. Nomyen. What the hell are they thinking? Scaring civilians at this God forsaken early hours!

Wait what?


At KST Engineering Department?

That stopped me in my tracks. Because unless there's been a threat of terrorism to our faculty, there is no business for military to get involved in mundane scholars life. Was I wrong has there been a bomb threat? But then again what terrorist would attack an engineering faculty at the beginning of the academic year?

'WON'T YOU STAND RIGHT?!' This time one voice rang out almost as loud as the earlier hundred, making me duck instinctively. 

What the hell is going on? I've been working in this faculty for six months already and this is the first time something like this had happened. Scooting closer to the wall, I tried to gauge where the voices were coming from. Someone else was speaking and the voices seem to come from above the place where I was crouching. Looking up I saw a sliding window and slowly raised myself to take a peak inside.

It was a classroom. But unlike the normal class rooms, the desks and chairs were piled up at the back making space for the students who were standing up facing the front of the class room. There were 15 students all together, ten standing straight looking straight ahead while the other five stood before them facing the ten students.

They were obviously under-graduate engineering students because all of them were wearing the customary red jacket over white muscled tees. I could only see the faces of the five who were apparently leading what ever was going on. Are those students being bullied? Should I call the security? Why the hell am I hiding when I am one of the senior academic staff?

Looking at the five students who were apparently leading the situation I knew why. They were freaking monsters. Well not literally because even skittish as I was feeling at the moment I could say that they were rather good looking, especially the one at the middle. However all the five boys were taller and bigger than me and looked like they could easily stuff me in a locker with no hope of rescue. But I can't just walk away, I have to do something. Taking my phone out, I turned around with every intention of calling security, when I was met with a site for sore eyes. It was the dragon. The strictest staff member in the engineering department who have the entire student body quaking at the very site of her.

The same she dragon was however giving me a look which spoke volumes of what she thought of my mental state. I quickly stood straight and approached her with my most winsome expression.

'Good morning P'Paka, I am so glad you are here.' I said almost running to her. She raised her well shaped eyebrows at me in a condescending expression.

'That's a first. No one has ever been glad to see me this early in the morning.' She said. I grinned involuntarily. This is what I liked about P'Paka. She might be stricter for rules, but once you break through that cold hard surface of hers, she's the most humorous person in the entire faculty. Also I'm the only one who was privy to this little information.

'Aww, now P' don't beat yourself up too much. You know I like you.' I said batting my pretty eyelashes at her. She gave me a very expressionless once over.

'My first conclusion was correct. You've finally lost your mind haven't you? But I don't think you'd find it snooping around in the corridor.' She said.

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