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Life:Hey Li...

Yeah?*is making a DaiHaru fanart*

Life:what do you think if i change my hairstyle?

What do you mean?...*le continues making the fanart*

Life:I mean...I want to try some other hairstyles....

Like what?

Life:Here lemme show you-...(  ̄ー ̄ )>

*Sigh*You better hurry up cause i want to finish this fa-*Turns around and looks at him*nart...Σ(▼□▼メ)

Life:How do i look like?*IS FCKING SPARKLING*

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Life:How do i look like?*IS FCKING SPARKLING*



*Internally Screaming*

Life:(눈_눈; )


And with that....i died.....X_X


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