His Nightmare.

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Hijikata Pov: I heard noises from Yorozuya. I turn back to see that he was having a nightmare. It looked normal so i didn't think much. "I-I'm sorry.. You three.." he whispered-shouted. He was getting pale, sweaty and sad? I was about to check his temperature when he whispered something. "I-If i told t-them that i was a m-murderer they would all h-hate me.." he shed a tear. I started to feel uh worried? I've never seen him cry. He just looked lazy or childish. I guess he never tells anyone how he really feels.. I checked his temperature by putting my hand on my forehead then his. He wasn't having a fever or anything. I turn back but i couldn't sleep. Not with his soft crys that i can hear. Thats what his kids hear every night? Some loud whimpers escaped through his lips. It began to be loud enough that his two kids started coming. I can hear their foot steps. I got out of my futon and looked at him. I then heard the door sliding open. "So this is what happens?" i whispered to them, they nodded. I sighed. The kids sat down in front of his futon. I started to go to the kitchen to get a towel. I can hear some loud whimpers here and there. I slid the door open to see Shinpachi on the other side of the room. With a bruise on his cheek. "What happened?" i asked. "Shinpachi tried to wake Gin chan up." i place the towel next to Kagura and go help Shinpachi. "You two can go back to sleep. I'll handle him" i reassured them. They nodded with their worried faces and went back. Now.. What should i do with him.
I get the towel and proceeded to wipe his sweat off his hair covered face. "Zura.. Takasugi.. Sorry." did i hear that right? No way! He's just dreaming. Yeah! Just dreaming. I placed the towel next to his futon. He started shedding some tears again. I wondered why? Even if he is the Shiroyasha which i don't think so. Why would he be having a nightmare and cry? His whimpers soon stopped and he began to curl up into a ball again. He put his two hands on his head and gritted his teeth. I looked around to see if there was anything i can use to wake him up, not wanting to get hit across the room. "Agh! My head. It hurts.." he whisper shouted. I know! The pain killers! Wait he's asleep. Damn it! This is irritating. I saw from the corner of my eyes. He pushed his hand out of his futon. Maybe I'll just hold it for awhile.. When i placed my hand on his. He grabbed me. "O-Oi! Yamero Baka!" i whispered to him. He just groaned and grabbed me into his futon. Ugh am i his body pillow or something!? The perm head seemed to calm down. Then let go of me!! "Feels warm." he said to my ear. "Hey! Let go!" i growled. He shook his head no for like a billion times no. Ughh! This happens everytime! "Love u.." he muttered. Did he say something? No! Noo way did he just confessed in his sleep?! Theres no way! How idiotic is he!?!? He started smiling and hugged me closer. I placed my hands on his sleeping face to try and get out of his grip. He mumbled something but i couldn't hear, i soon got out of his grip. I started blushing immensely. I look back at him and he became calm or he sounded asleep. What should i do!? He confessed in his dream! Should i answer to his confession!? Wait, he might not even know he confessed! Kuso! I don't what to do! I'll just go back to-
It was already morning.. I'M GONNA KILL YOROZUYA! "DAMN IT YOROZUYA!!" i roared. "Hijikata shaddup! Its 6 in the morning!" sliver head scolded, he then sat up and rubbed hid eyes "Hijikata why are you red? You have a fever or something?" before i could reply he came up, near my face and put his hand on my forehead. I only blushed more. "You don't seem to have a fever?" He looked into my eyes and titled his head, the sun started to shine through and i could see his wine red eyes sparkle. I stared at him, his eyes were the prettiest. The prettiest pair of eyes I've ever seen in my life. "Hijikata San?" Shinpachi slid the door open, i broke the stare and asked "Yeah?" i replied short. "Why are you shouting at 6 in the morning Mayora?" China girl asked while rubbing her eyes "Sorry about that Shinpachi, Kagura chan. I guess i scared him!" The sliver head laughed and scratched the back of his head. 'Why did he lie to them?' i thought. "Shinpachi, Kagura did you just wake up?" He asked the kids as he crossed his legs, the kids shook their heads yes. "What do you want to eat then?" The kids looked horrified "Oi what's wrong with you two?" i asked, isn't their 'Dad' being normal? "Hijikata san... Gin san has never been this kind!" Shinpachi said pointing his finger at the Sliver head. "Ma ma.. I just had a good night sleep!" Pouted the perm head. 'Thats kinda cute.. Wait like hell!' i shook my head and i stood up "Uhm.. I'll be heading out" i said as i grabbed my uniform coat. I felt someone tugging on my pants, i look back to see sliver head sticking his tongue out. I made a face which says 'what' "At least stay for breakfast Mayora" he smirked, that annoying smirk. I sighed and nodded, he started laughing and he got up. "I'll make a simple toast and eggs" he said as he walked, Shinpachi and China girl suddenly sat down in front of me. "Mayora" "Hijikata san. Do you like Gin San?" the question got me off guard, my face started turning red. I don't why though. 'I don't like him. His eyes,i just like them. I don't like him. do i?' many questions, theories came to my mind, i took a step back out of embarrassment. I finally answered "Why would i like him? He's just... A person i run into everyday!" i think.. They looked at me, eyes full of suspicion. "You guys breakfast is ready!" sliver head shouted from the kitchen, the two kids got up and ran into the living room. I walked there and sat down, sliver head came with toast and eggs. It looked good, it was a normal breakfast but it looks good still. "Lets eat!" The two kids ate it, really fast. I haven't ate instead was staring at Sliver head's pair of beautiful wine red eyes, this was becoming a habit. Even though Sougo also has red eyes i think his is prettier. His eyes just shining in the sun was very beautiful. Just staring into his eyes. The kids went out with their big dog 'Sadaharu' now we were alone...

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