First Encounter

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Lena's POV

It's almost the end of summer break and every morning I've gone for a jog around the beach, is great exercise and it has a beautiful views, this morning in particular seems special I just didn't understand why. Jenna decided to go with me today but she was really starting to slow down my pace I turned to look at her while running backward I wondered why I even excepted her to join me.

"Hurry up Jenna we're never going to get home with your pace" I said with a big smile

As I turned around I clashed into a women we spun around and I ended up on top of her I just stared at her beautiful eyes they were green but at the same time hazel I felt like I was in a trance and nobody existed beside her and me Wow she has beautiful eyes

"HI" she said looking at me straight in my eyes her arms wrapped around my waist all I could think about how beautiful she looked

"Oh My God Lena are you alright" I heard Jeanna approached us and started to pick me up

"Am really sorry I wasn't looking where I was heading" I apologized as soon as we were apart as she was getting up wiping away the sand I looked at her she was wearing shorts and a loose shirt with her blond hair up in a pony tale she looked gorgeous

"Don't worry about it I was a little distracted too" she said with a smile looking at me what a beautiful smile

"Are you sure you alright that was quite a fall" I said concerned

"Yeah am okay, see no scratches" she said singling me her body with her hands what an amazing toned body I thought. Why are you thinking this Lena you have a girlfriend?

"Are you sure" I asked, but I couldn't take my eyes of her

"Yeah am fine don't worry about it, well it was nice running into you literally" she smirked and gave me a wink.

"But I got to go" she said with a smile than turning around and started running off I stayed watching her for a couple of minutes

"It was nice running into you too" I said in a whisper while waving goodbye, I couldn't help but stare at her perfect ass, I mesmerized as she was running off

"Isn't she a hottie" Jenna said next to me I had totally forgot she was here

"What... I guess I didn't really noticed" I lied cause I got caught off guard by her statement even though it was exactly what I was thinking

"Really... "she looked at me with disbelief  "Lena you didn't take your eyes off her, if Bethany was here she would've been jealous" She said Bethany is my girlfriend of three months now

"No I didn't I was just you concerned that she would be hurt... I paused for a minute "Why would Bethany be jealous?" I asked surprised

"Well that woman is hot and you couldn't keep your eyes of her" she said nonchalant

"And you haven't looked at another woman like that since well ever, not even Gretchen" She said,  since Gretchen cheated on me I didn't trust anybody I couldn't commit to anyone fully, I didn't want to get hurt ever again

"I don't know what you're talking about I didn't see her in any kind of way, we should get going " I said rolling my eye.

"Well let's keep going we don't want to be more late" she said as she started running in front of me.

"Yeah let's go" I said looking back in the direction the woman ran, all the way back home all I could think about was the blond Why can't I get her out of my mind I thought

It's been two-week since I clashed against her and I couldn't get her out of my mind but I had to get over it cause the probability of seeing her again is like looking for a needle in a haystack it's impossible, but for some reason I found myself running to the beach every day before work I felt like I was betraying my girlfriend.

***A Weeks Later***

My schedule has been insane I haven't had time for myself with school starting in a week. Since am the Vice-Principal at Anchor Beach Charter School I had a lot of paper work and going over the potential new students and parents. I had a meeting with a potential parent of a new student to show them around the campus, but I was occuied with another parent that Principal Sanchez took it away from me which was a relieve because I had many things to do before school started and this would give me more time.

Stef's POV

It's been a month since I ran up to the woman named Lena for some reason I couldn't get her out of my mind, I wanted to see her again but with work and Mikes drinking I hadn't had time to go for a run and when I did, I didn't see her.

I had an appointment at Anchor Beach Community school this coming Friday to get sign all the paper work and to meet the teachers and staff, the appointment was with either the Vice-Principal or the Principal.

The day of the appointment I took Brandon to stay with my dad cause Mike was in no condition to take care of him and I just didn't want to deal with him and his constant nagging of us getting back together for our son so sake, but I couldn't I didn't love Mike anymore I couldn't continue to lie to him and myself just for my son, I even noticed Brandon happier since we been living alone than when we live together with Mike.

As I arrived at Anchor Beach I waited in the elementary playground it was nice seeing all the kid playing and having fun Brandon is really going to love it here I thought when I heard a woman speak from behind me so I got up

"Good morning am Principal Sanchez and I'll be showing you the campus today" She said extending her hand

"Am Stefanie Foster" I said shaking her hand

"Are we waiting for your husband" She ask looking around

"No he won't be able to make it today" I said not really wanting to explain why Mike wasn't here and our current situation with the divorce

"Then follow me please" She said escorting me inside as we walked around the school toward the kinder garden classes

"We have many facilities to fit all the student's needs, we also have a range of activities and clubs they can take part  of, if Brandon is interested he's more than welcome to sign up" She said as we stop in one of the classroom which seem to be the music class Brandon would love this class everything was really nice

"Is your son interested in music we have one on one teaching if you're interested" She said as we walked toward a classroom.

"This is the kinder garden classes you can go around and take a look" She said as I entered the room they had many stations for kid to learn from the science lab, a reading and writing section, even to a dress up section with different customs, everything was great and I knew Brandon would love it here.

"Well this is the end of the tour hope you like the school" The principal said as I got out of the class we went back toward the officer

"Yes everything was great" I said

"Well go to the Vice-Principals Lena Adams office she should have all the paper work ready for you to sign and if you're interested in any extra curriculum she will be able to help as well" She said Could it be her, naw it can't be it's impossible I thought so I shrugged the thought out

"Have a great day Mrs. Foster" She said

"Thank you and have a great day" I Said as she entered her office leaving me with the vice principal secretary.

"Am here to see the Lena Adams" I said to the woman in front of me with a smile

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