Chapter 2

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A/N Thank you everyone that has taken the time to read the story and writed reviews I really appreciate them. Sorry for the long wait is just that am not 100% sure where I want to take this story yet many ideas come to mind which make me change some of the chapters I have hope you enjoye it tell me what you think 

Lena POV

Principal Sanchez called me after her meeting with a parent saying that she was done and she would send the parent to my office so they can sign all the paperwork necessary I pulled out the parent documents and read over it briefly

Name: Brandon Michael Foster Age: 5 years old Mother: Stefanie Foster

I heard the phone rang so I reached to answer it.

"Ms. Adams we have a Mrs. Foster here" Emily my secretary said

"Send her in please" I said hanging up and putting the file down I heard a knock minutes later

"Come in," I said

When the parent came in I couldn't believe who was in front of me What is she doing here? Wait, she has a son and is married

"Good morning I am Vice-Principal, Lena Adams" I said as we shook hands, I can't believe of all the places I would see her again it would be here

"Good morning I am Stefanie Foster" she said we stayed shaking hands for a couple of minutes, I felt something that I have never felt, many feelings went through me it was intoxicating I remove my hand away reluctantly.

 "So your son...I said, opening the papers Brandon" I said, taking a minute to look over the paper

"His starting kinder-garden this fall" I said why am I so anxious around this woman

"Yes he's uh.... His five" She said a little distracted

" I have all the paper work for you and your husband to sign" I said, opening her file and getting all the paper work that I needed.

As I looked upward to see her, she bore a facial expression like she wanted to so say or ask something

"Do you have a question " I asked

"Well, my husband and I are separated at the moment...Does he have to sign the papers?" She asked, looking uncomfortable Separated at the moment I wonder why?

"No, he doesn't have to, but we would really appreciate both signatures" I stated

"Okay, I'll see what I can do than" She said shifting in the chair

"Do you have any question regarding the school" I asked, trying to change the subject to make her more comfortable

"Not one that I can think of at the moment" She said

"Okay, if you have any questions, here's my card "  I said handing her the card

"Well, it was nice formally meeting you, hopefully we see each other  again and I'll bring  back the paperwork, sign as soon as possible" She said as she shook my hand and I felt the same spark as the day I met her and minutes ago.

"It was nice meeting as well," I said as we parted away, she waved goodbye and left my office

Stef POV

I was driving to the house Mike and I share for so many years I had to get him to sign the paper to enroll Brandon in school, hopefully he won't object to signing them like he's been doing with the divorce papers. I had given Mike the divorce papers a month ago, but he has reluctantly denied to sign them because he said that he still want us to be together  and that he was still in love with me.  When I arrived at the apartment we shared I used my key and open it as I looked around it was still the same way when Brandon  and I left

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