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Jinyoung's POV

On that day, it was not like what you think. She forced me. I didn't kiss her. She wanted us to break apart. Please believe me.
I started to love you even before that day. I wanted to tell you but she ruined everything. Please don't let her plan succeed Nayeon. Please forgive me.
I've been trying to find you for the past three years. I tried to find you everywhere. I left Korea and never went back even once in the past three years. I really hope that one day I'd meet you.
And one day I really met you, but you didn't remember me. It hurts me a lot but it's okay. Karma comes after me. I deserve it.
Now that I found you again after you remembered everything, so please forgive me and start over with me again. I can't live without you Nayeon. I really love you.
You are my love, you are my life.
"I told her everything while crying"

I keep knocking on the door and beg her it open it for me. I knock until my hand bleeds.
I've been knocking on this door since the morning. Now it's night already.
It's very cold outside. I feel so tired. I don't have anymore energy. My vision becomes blurry. I think I'm gonna faint....

Nayeon's POV

I notice he stops knocking on the door now. He must have returned back already.

You gave up this easily ? "I said while whipping away my tears"

I open the door to check if he really left, but I see something I didn't expected to see.

Hey. Wake up. Hey are you okay? Jinyoung wake up "I took him inside"
You're so stupid. How can you keep knocking until you hand bleeds like this ? You must haven't eaten anything yet. Aish "I scolded the unconscious Jinyoung"


Jinyoung's POV

Where am I ?
I woke up in a strange place. This room smells so nice.
I look at my hand and see the bandaids on it. I look around and notice that this is a chalet. It must be the chalet that Nayeon stays in.
I get up from my bed and leave the room to find Nayeon.

I finally spot her. She's in the kitchen cooking something.

I go near her and hug her from behind tightly.

What are you doing "she asked"
Let go of me. I haven't forgive you yet "she said"
I won't let go. I miss you so much. "I said"
Let go of me. I can't cook this way "she said"
I won't. "I tighten my hug"

She tried to break my hug and turns around to face me.
Our eyes meet.

Go back after you eat this breakfast. "She said firmly"
Why ? Are you still mad at me ? "I grabbed her hands and look straight into her eyes"
Let go of my hands I don't wanna see you "she replied"
I wanna see you. My feeling is sincere. I admitted I was being so harsh in the past. But I swear I'll take a good care of you and love you the most from now on. "I said"
How can I believe you. "She shed a tear"
I can die for you now if you want me to "I said"
Shut up. This is you last chance. If you play with my heart again I'll really kill you "she said"
You forgive me now. "I hugged her and smiled like crazy"
I miss you a lot "I said"
I miss you too "she replied me and my hug"

*time skipped*
*3days after*

Jihyo really miss you. We should go back. " I told her"
Let's go back tomorrow. "She suggested"
Already ? Don't you wanna spend more time with me ? "I couldn't believe"
You were the one who told me to go back. "She said"
We've been together 24h for the past three days and we can still be together when we go back. Unless you leave me again "she said"
What ? No way. I'll be with you and only you forever "I replied with a smiled"
She smiled back.

Jihyo's POV

The apples are so nice and delicious. If Nayeon were here, she'd be really happy to see this. "I mumbled"

Park Jihyo "someone screamed from behind"
The voice sounds familiar?!
Nayeon ??? "I turned around to see a bunny ran toward me"
I miss you so much "she hugged me"
I miss you too ! What takes you so long to come back "I scolded her"
Behind her I see a smiley Jinyoung standing there looking at us.
You two came together ? "I asked curiously"
Well ... we ...
We made up already "Jinyoung cut Nayeon off"
Really ? Wow. I'm so happy for you two. I'm so tired of seeing the two of you missing each other. Congratulation "I smiled"

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