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"I won't stand for it."
"Are you still on about that...?"
It was early in the morning on the day of First High's entrance ceremony, but still, two hours before it began.
The new students' hearts were all pounding with excitement over their new lives and the landscapes of their futures, but certainly few were as elated as these three.
In front of the auditorium, which would be the location of the entrance ceremony, a male and two female students, all three of them clad in brand-new uniforms, were bickering.
All three of them were new students, yet all three of their uniforms were slightly—but distinctly—different. It was not just the fact that the female uniform had a skirt and the male one had slacks. The emblem of First High, consisting of eight flower petals, was on the older female student's chest, the same emblem consisting of four flower petals in a half-circle, was on the younger female's chest. No emblem was on the male student's blazer.
"How could they make my brother an alternate? My sister, Okay. They at least acknowledge that they don't know where to put her. But my brother. You had the top grades on the entrance exam! You should be the one representing the new students, not me!" said the older female to the male.
Incidentally, the younger sister and male scored the same on the entrance exam.
"Leaving aside the question of where you got my entrance exam grades from...this is Magic High School, so they obviously need to prioritize practical magic ability over the written test. You're both well aware of my practical abilities, aren't you? I may have only reached Course 2, but I'm surprised I even got this far."
The older female student was lashing out in harsh tones, and her male companion was currently trying to pacify her. Purely guessing from the older female student calling him her brother and calling the younger female student her sister, they might have been siblings —he the older brother, she the older sister, and the younger girl the younger sister. It wasn't impossible that they were closely related. However, the youngest sibling didn't look like the other two at all. And if the other two were brother and sister as well...
...then they were not very alike.
The second oldest sibling was a cute girl who naturally drew stares. Ten out of ten people, even a hundred out of a hundred, wouldn't deny that she was lovely.
The oldest sibling and also the older brother, on the other hand, aside from his straightened back and sharp eyes, looked altogether average, without any features that stood out.
The youngest sibling was a cute girl also, but she was a bit of a tomboy. She had short blond hair and blue eyes. She also looked very athletic.
"Why can't you have more ambition than that? Nobody can beat you except for younger sister when it comes to studies and martial arts! I mean, even with magic, you're —"
The older sister firmly berated the brother's weak-spirited statement, but...
...he called her name in an even harsher tone of voice, causing Miyuki to catch her breath and close her mouth.
The younger sister was just standing there watching the argument between her two older siblings.
"We've been over this before. There's no point in talking about it."
"...I apologize."
"Miyuki..." He rested his hand on her bowed head. As he slowly caressed her glossy, smooth, long black hair, the young man considered (rather pathetically) how to get her in a better mood. "...I am grateful you feel that way. You're both always saving me by getting angry on my behalf, " he said.
"You're lying."
"I'm not."
"Yes, you are. All you do is scold me..."
"I'm not lying! It's just that I feel about you both the same way as you both feel about me."
"Oh, my... The same way...?" teases Miyuki.
... What? For some reason, the girl's cheeks flushed red.
The blond girl just continued to wait quietly.
She had an opinion that her elder siblings were so cute in the way they acted.
"Even if you refused to make the address, they would never choose me instead. Your younger sister has to make the address for Irregulars. You both would lose face for sure if you were to refuse them at the last moment. And you actually both know that, don't you? You're both smart children, after all."
"Yes, you're right. I'll be more careful!" says the blond-haired sibling.
"Also, Miyuki... I'm looking forward to it. I'm proud to have you both as my sisters. Go out there and show your useless brother everything you have. Both of you!"
Tatsuya continues to add his youngest sister to the conversation.
She really appreciates it.
"Okay, I'll do it!" says the blond-haired sibling.
"You are not a useless brother, or anything of the sort! ... but I understand. I apologize for my self-indulgence."
"There's nothing to apologize about, and I don't think it was self-indulgent at all."
"I'll be going then. Take care of my sister. Make sure you watch."
"Yeah, you should go. I'll be sure to escort her back in time for her speech. I'll be looking forward to the main event."
The young woman bowed to excuse herself and disappeared into the auditorium. After seeing her off, the young man sighed to himself in relief.

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