You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter.

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Sam's: POV

I closed my backpack and went to the hall. I wrote a note to dad, before I walked out.

"Ready?" asked Simon. "Yes." I said and put on me the helmet. "Hold on tight." he replied and started his motorcycle.


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We drove through the town and it feels so good to be wild and free. He stopped when we arrived to the beach and we looked at the sunset together.

He played on his guitar and sang for me. I closed my eyes and listened. "Maybe I should kidnap you more often." he said. "Shut up." I replied with a smile in my face.

Then we drove to a bridge and walked along the fence. The sky was light pink and the air was warm.

"This is the first time I ran away from home." I said. "Fifth time for me." replied Simon. I looked at him.

"I lived in a foster home when I was little. But I was never happy. I started to skip school and became homeless.

But everything changed when Lauren found me and took care of me as her own son." he said. "I'm glad you have her." replied. "Me too." he said. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Thank you for being here for me." I said. "You're welcome." he replied.


"Thank you for letting me sleep here." I said. "You are always welcome here." she replied softly. We were watching Harry Potter and ate tacos. We were laughing and really had fun.

Then it was time to go to bed and I slept in Simon's room. "Good night Sam." he said. "Good night Simon." I replied and he smiled. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I ship Sam and Simon❤️

I hope you liked the chapter.


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