Seen It All Before - Bring Me The Horizon

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And I'm drowning in the déjà vu
We've seen it all before
I don't wanna do this by myself
I don't wanna live like a broken record
I've heard these lines a thousand times
And I've seen it all before

- Seen It All Before, Bring Me The Horizon

Caroline begins searching through her belongings as Stefan, Klaus and Elijah bring them in. Liz supervises them as Bonnie tries to keep Kol from snooping. "Kol, if you don't get out now, then I'm going to desiccate you," she hisses angrily. "What's that mean?" Caroline asks innocently, not looking to see Bonnie grimace.

"She means that she'll stop his blood from flowing so that it dries out. It causes vampires to... freeze like stone, but it's agony and pure torture," Klaus explains, watching her. She pulls out a pile of journals and leaves them on the desk. "Sounds like you're talking from experience," she whispers, finding herself hurting as she says it. "I am," he answers curtly.

She quickly turns to see him walking out of the room. Kol grabs one of the teddy bears and hops on to the bed, playing with it as Bonnie glowers at him. "You're so annoying, that I want to punch you in the face," she spits, "But I know that'll just hurt my hand more than it'll hurt you!" Caroline allows herself to smile as Kol bursts in to a loud laughter.

She turns back to the journals and picks on up, reading the month written on the side and frowning. Opening it to the first page, she reads through it, sitting herself in the armchair. It reads the month and year she was 'turned'. She skips to the parts she can't remember and begins reading.

I killed someone. I don't even know his name. Bonnie hates me. She thinks I'm a monster. I couldn't stop. Maybe I am a monster? But... Stefan isn't a monster and he's a vampire. He's helping me. But Damon is. I remember everything he did and I know he'll never apologise.

Elena knew everything. If she told me, then maybe I'd still be alive. Maybe I wouldn't be this monster. I don't know anymore. I killed a man. I killed a man.


The sunlight was burning me, but Stefan and Bonnie helped. She put a spell on a ring. It's not exactly a pretty thing, but as long I'm not turning in to turkey jerky then I don't care. HE taught me how to catch animals. I feel bad feeding off bunnies and Bambi, but it beats eating people.

Stefan says I'm basically an insecure, neurotic, control freak on crack... Alright, I said it and he agreed. But he still smiled! But, I had a huge fight with Matt and... my personality is killing me! I'm so jealous and insecure and URG!

But... I almost killed Matt because I couldn't control it and he's human and he was bleeding and-

Caroline stops reading as her head begins to ache, a million needles pricking in to her brain as images flash through her sight. She blinks them away and keeps reading, images crossing her mind.

She broke up with Matt. Katherine used her. Stefan and Elena broke up. There was a plan to get rid of Katherine. Her and her mother fought. Someone was shooting Stefan and Damon and-

"AHHH!" She screams, holding her head and dropping the book to the floor. She's on her knees, curling up as she begins to remember days of her life that's been missing. She keeps screaming, tears pouring down her face, even as a pair of arms encircle her and hold on tightly.

"Witch, do something!" Klaus demands, looking at Bonnie with eyes that are somehow terrified and threatening at the same time. "I can't!" Bonnie shouts back, "She's remembering!" Klaus snarls at her dangerously and Kol pushes Bonnie behind him for protection as Caroline's screams turn to whimpers slowly.

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