BLM Protest Tips

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For those of you who don't know, I am a black girl.

It brings me joy to see that me and my people aren't alone when it comes to fighting for change. I could go on a whole rant about that but that isn't what this chapter is for. I will be posting this to every single one of my books so that people can see it. I'll also make a new book just to post this chapter so others can hopefully see it :)

Cutting right to the chase, this "chapter" is just little tips for going to the BLM protests or literally any protest out there. This was inspired by a lovely soul that said they were going out to protest and I just wanna make sure that they along with everyone else know what they are getting into.

1.) Do not bring credit cards or checks. Bring hard paper cash to use when buying anything during a protest. If the protest gets violent, police will attempt to lock up everyone that was at the protest, so it's best to bring cash, which isn't traceable.

2.) If you are a minor planning to attend a protest, please, please, please stay home. I understand that you want to make a change and I'm all for the young folks wanting to make a change, but please don't go to a protest if you can't drive yourself out of there in case things get heavy. If you still don't take this advice to heart, at least try to get someone to go with you who can get both of you out of there fast.

3.) Don't post pictures of your outfit and/or your signs online please. If the protest gets violent, police will look for any incriminating evidence that you were at that particular protest. Do not post on social media.

4.) Have someone know where are you 10000% percent of the time please. Especially if that person is your ride out of there. If you do lose that person in the crowd, have a meeting place that you both know where to go in case you lose one another and/or the protest or police begin to get violent.

5.) Don't advertise where you're going on social media. Again, police will try to get your ass if they believe they have probable cause to arrest you.


7.) Do not go to a protest that's 30 miles away if you bike or walk. I get it, you wanna show support but sis, yo ass will get tired on the way back if you walked there or biked there. It's okay if you do it in a car but anything else is just crazy.

8.) Wear protective clothes and masks. Corona is still a thing and it's also to protect your identity.

8.5.) Speaking on clothes, make sure you wear clothes that are easy to run in. If things go sideways you need to be able to get the hell out of there and you wearing baggy as hell sweatpants with busted shoes and a baggy shirt, isn't gonna help you. It will only slow you down and get you caught.

9.)  Have gallons of milk and white vinegar at the ready. Also goggles to protect your eyes from debris and pepper spray. The milk and vinegar is to help combat tear gas that gets thrown into the crowd by police. Also gloves, wear gloves to protect your hands in case you have time to throw the tear gas back. Tear gas canisters are hot when they're about to go off so please, protect yourself.

10.) DO NOT GO TO A PROTEST WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW ALL THE DETAILSSSS!!!!!! Something is bound to go wrong if you don't know all the details 100%. That includes meet-up place, the time it starts, and what type of protest it is. Please try to get in contact with the person or people who planned the protest before you think about going.

11.) Hand sanitizer and just disinfectants. Corona is still a thing ❤️

12.) Bring snacks and water that are easy to put in a small bag. Like granola bars and that stuff. It's much easier to bring that than stuffing big ass bags of McDonald's or Panda Express into your bags.

13.) The nanosecond you hear glass breaking and see police advancing on the people, get out of there. If you can handle it, stay but if you can't? Please go to a different area or go home. You've done your part in attending the protest.

14.) I don't know if anyone truly gets what they're getting into but, when you go to a protest, you are putting your life in harms way. The police are being equipped with batons, pepper spray, riot shields, stun gun, and rubber bullets. Please understand that those things can and will hurt you if they see fit. Especially rubber bullets. Rubber bullets have the ability to pierce the skin and seriously maim you. As in blind you. If you still don't understand what I'm trying to say, I've put a picture more towards the bottom for people to say. Btw, if you don't like gore or blood, stay your ass home. If you can't handle looking at blood you're better off showing your support through social media.


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Yeah. They say rubber bullets aren't fatal, but they will still pierce your skin and leave holes in your body. Rubber bullets are only less fatal than your actual bullet by a couple millimeters so please, be careful.

15.) If you go to protests, keep that same energy going. If you can't go to protests, keep that same energy with posting about protests online.

Believe it or not, we are making changes and headway into attacking the problem that Racism poses on minorities everywhere.

I had a conversation with my mommy (she went to school in Tennessee when Racism was at its prime time) and she told me, "Nothing will change, it's gonna be the same thing all over again. Sure they'll march and stuff but there won't be any change. George Floyd and the other black men and women that died from being black won't come back. They're dead. " We were watching the news and I pointed to the headline that was up. Several states had begun to remove confederate symbols. I asked her in a calm voice, "Have you seen that in your lifetime?" And she, still looking at the TV, said in a shocked tone, "No..." That hadn't happened before in any of the past protests. That was a sign that we were making progress.

My mommy is a 53 year old black woman who grew up in Tennessee when Racism was at its high. She's experienced the ugliest parts of Racism first hand and has lost hope of there being any change. She began to accept that Racism would be something that goes unpunished in White America. Last night, she looked hopeful that something would change. She told me that maybe our generation would be the one to finally start getting change to happen and if you know my mother, that would be the best "Maybe this isn't for nothing" you'll ever get out of her.

Please keep going to protests if you already do.

Please keep posting and reposting about the BLM movement.

Please keep showing your support.

This might not be the last generation that has to deal with this, but we will be the first generation to not stop until we get our change. We will be the first generation to say,
"You fucked with the last generation."

Thank you for reading. Be safe out there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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