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Welcome to my BLM guide for anyone looking to help black people on their journey to have equal rights.

I thank you for tapping on this book to try to educate yourself on what's happening and what you can do to contribute to the change.

Change doesn't happen overnight. It didn't happen with the Civil War, it didn't happen during the Civil Rights Movement, and it won't happen now. People don't like change, but, that's exactly what's so rewarding about getting things to change.

The hard work we put in will be worth it all in the end. I won't rest until I've done all that I possibly can to help my people get the rights that the white man holds. Even if I can't protest or even if I can't donate, I will always try to educate people about how far we've come and what more we can do to continue on our journey for equality.

Please, it will be tough but if you're already doing what you can to support the BLM journey, please keep that same energy. We're making headway, whether or not people see that, the facts are there. States have already begun to remove confederate symbols, symbols that remind people of the racist history America had been built upon. States have already begun to implement laws and protocols to try and combat the racist acts that happen right under their noses.

For anyone reading this who doesn't live in America, I ask you to still continue reading so that you can help black people in your country and all over the world gain their equal rights. I ask you to keep reading and to try and educate yourselves on the hate that black people face all over the world on a daily basis. I ask you to educate yourselves on what problems black people and other people of color go through in your country and to try and find a way on how you can help that specific community.

Other people of color need and deserve equal rights as well. Our skin color does not determine our intellect or danger to others. Our skin color does not determine our level of purity. Our skin color does not automatically mean that we are sin or dirty to others. We are the same just as our lighter counterparts. We are human beings as well. So please, read this guide to help us and other people of color reach our goal of equality.

Help the BLM journey prosper.

Thank you.

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