Chapter 19

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I watched her stir slightly, her body unconsciously curling into mine. I smiled and gently rubbed her belly. "I love you so much, Alessa," I sighed.

"Dax," she whispered, her eyes remaining closed, her breathing relaxed. This past week, we had spent our days with each other, relaxing. I was glad she was getting more rest. It definitely showed. She was glowing, and she looked absolutely stunning. She had fallen asleep in my arms while watching a movie. That had been about three hours ago...and I didn't mind at all. In fact, I loved every second of it....

I felt her body begin to shake uncontrollably. I looked at her to find her forehead covered in sweat. And then she started whimpering.

"Baby? What's wr-"

"Dax," she whimpered. "Don't go...please...Dax! No!" she cried. Sobs escaped her, but I remained frozen. She knew. Of course she'd find out-

"Daxton!" she cried. I shook her softly.

"Baby, I'm here. Wake up, love. It's okay. I'm here," I soothed. She had tears in her eyes. "Alessa, love, wake up for me," I continued. She opened her eyes and cried out. I wrapped my arms around her, bringing her as close as possible without hurting our kids. "Shh. It's okay. I'm right here, love," I whispered. I felt her grab fistfuls of my shirt, small whimpers muffled by my chest. She pulled away.

"Promise me you won't ever leave my side. Promise," she croaked out. I stiffened and looked away, not being able to meet her eyes. "Dax?" she whispered. I looked at her to find tears threatening to fall.

"I don't make promises I can't keep. I'm sorry, love," I said. The tears fell, but she pushed me away, getting off the bed and walking back. I got off as well and reached for her, but she glared at me, freezing me on the spot.

"What were you planning to do behind my back? Hm?" she asked, anger evident in her voice. I sighed.

"Love, pl-"

"Don't give me that bullshit. What. Were. You. Planning." she cut me off. Silence greeted her. "Damn it. What the fuck is it?!" she bellowed.

"Don't worry about it," I said, my voice emotionless.

"Fucken hell, Dax! What is it?!" she added a tone that almost had me telling her. But I resisted as much as I could. Her Alpha tone was too powerful, it brought me down to one knee. "Tell me!" she yelled. I gripped my head, refusing to say it. A gasp left her lips, making me whip my head up to see her clutching her stomach with one hand and the bed with the other. I ran towards her.

"Baby, what's wrong. Fuck, I'm sorry, love. What's wrong?" I asked, searching her body for anything.

"The..babies," she gasped and almost doubled over.

Pack doctor. Now! I ordered, picking Alessa up gently and taking her next door, a room specifically for these purposes. I laid her down on the bed gently as she grunted again, her body writhing in pain. "Baby, what hurts?" I asked, taking her hand. She gripped it so hard that if I were human, she would've probably crushed it. Where the fuck is the doctor?!

"I'm here," he said, making me turn to him. He was already setting down a bunch of things I didn't know the name of. He rushed toward Alessa, who was biting her lip, drawing blood. The doctor's eyes widened. "It's time," he said. Just as he said that, a nurse came in.

The next two hours were spent watching a writhing Alessa give birth to two healthy and beautiful twins.



I woke up to an annoying beeping sound. I opened my eyes and was blinded by the light, making me close them again. I tried moving my body, only to gasp as excruciating pain filled my entire being, making me double over. This, of course, only made it worse. I froze in place, not wanting to move. I could hear whimpers, and it took me a minute to realize the whimpers were coming from me.

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