Do it

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Chloe and Beca walked past the first bedroom door which was Chloe's regular bedroom and headed towards the last room in the hallway. Chloe plucked a single key from the front pocket of her robe and unlocked the door. Inside awaited all of her tools and devices for play. Beca recognized them right away.                      
Chloe sat in a vintage looking red chair that could be mistaken for a throne and effortlessly crossed her legs. Beca stood at the door, unsure of what she should do. She nervously dug her nails into the palms of her hands. Chloe noticed and clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth.                        
  "Come here, Beca." Chloe said. Her tone was even. She wasn't upset. This wasn't a punishment. After all, Beca had only received the chart that day. While Chloe expected obedience, she knew Beca also had to work and it would probably take more than mere hours to memorize all of the positions. Beca scooted over to her Master and stood, waiting for instruction.                        
"On your knees." Chloe ordered softly. Beca liked the way she spoke. Her words were always smooth and soft like warm velvet. There was a calm urgency to everything she said. There was no better way to describe it. Anyone who heard her speak would know she was not one to be trifled with but at the same time they were put at ease. It was a skill honestly.                        
  "Knees spread open, sit back on your heels. Back straight. Hands on your lap, palms facing up. Your eyes should be focused on the ground unless I specify otherwise." Chloe rattled off the way Beca's body should be fixed like a well memorized list. Beca followed her instructions precisely. "Was that clear?" Chloe asked.                        
  "Yes, Mommy." Beca said letting her attention drift to the one foot of  Chloe's that was stationed on the ground. The other foot sat still in the air, carefully draped over the other leg.                        
  "This is position one." Chloe informed her. "When you're waiting for me, this is the position you should take. Do you understand?"                        
  "Yes, Mommy." Beca replied.                        
  "Look at me, love." Chloe knew they were entering different roles now but the fact that Beca had such a hard time looking at her didn't sit well with her. When they were at the sex toy shop, Chloe noticed Beca's lack of eye contact and it bothered her.                        
  Beca's eyes reluctantly met Chloe's and they shared silence. Everything Beca thought she knew about herself and about Chloe were quickly changing. The way she saw Chloe was vastly different than the way she saw her just the day before.                        
  "Why are you so nervous?" Chloe asked.                        
Beca shrugged which was dishonest. She knew why she was nervous. She was nervous because it was Chloe. She was nervous about punishments and relinquishing control. She was nervous about what people would say if or when they found out she was someone's sub. She was used to being in the position of power. Not that Beca thought being a sub was anything to be ashamed of because it wasn't but it wasn't who she was.... usually.  Plus it had been so long since Beca entertained anyone romantically. She had been so busy with work and harboring a crush on her best friend didn't help. She couldn't actually remember the last time she dated anyone. She hadn't forgot how to have sex, and it may have seemed silly, but what if she was a little rusty? What would Chloe think?                        
"This won't work if you're going to lie to me." Chloe frowned and rolled her eyes out of annoyance. She was more frustrated with herself than she was with Beca. Perhaps she had forced this on Beca too suddenly. Maybe she was a fool for thinking this could actually work. They were friends and maybe that's all they could be. Chloe stood up and left the room thinking maybe she needed some space to process if this was a good idea.
Beca watched the disappointment cross Chloe's face. She knew it was because of her and she felt bad. She wondered where Chloe was going. Was she supposed to follow her or stay where she was? She didn't have to wonder long before Chloe came back into the room. She threw a t-shirt at Beca and told her to put it on. Beca did.                        
"Get up, Bec." Chloe said. She sat down in the chair she was previously in and sighed. "Do you trust me?" She asked.                       
  Beca stood to her feet after she slid the T-shirt over her head. She glanced down and recognized the logo right away. It was from Chloe's restaurant. They had designed that logo together so long ago it felt like a lifetime had passed. It was just a dream of Chloe's back then. Neither of them knew it would take off the way it did.                        
  "Of course I trust you." Beca answered. The question was silly. There was no one on this planet that Beca trusted more. Beca would indeed trust Chloe with her life if she needed to.                        
  "Am I making you uncomfortable?" Chloe questioned.                        
  "You're not." Beca replied.                        
  The way Beca said 'you're' caught Chloe's attention. "It's not me. What is it?"                        
  Beca looked away from her and contemplated lying again. Saying "I don't know" felt a lot easier than whatever this conversation was.                       
  "Chloe." Beca said. She felt herself being snarky. "Sorry." She apologized immediately. Chloe sat in silence, waiting for Beca to say something. Anything that would clear the air. "It's weird." Beca finally said.                        
  "What's weird?" Chloe asked.                        
  "This. Taking orders from you. Calling you Mommy. We never even...." Beca childishly clashed her hands together quickly to loosely mimic the act of having sex, "and now I'm just supposed to just dive head first into this. I need something to kind of warm up."                        
  Chloe didn't mean to but she laughed. The idea of Beca warming up to sex was a bit comical. As if she was a car whose windows had frozen overnight and needed thawing.                        
  "Okay and now I'm a joke." Beca said shaking her head and crossing her arms. She was visibly upset.                        
Chloe noticed and cut her laughter short. "No. Not at all. I'm sorry B. I understand. Okay? It's a little weird for me too."                        
  Beca softened a bit. "Really?"                        
  "Yeah. We're definitely entering a new relationship. One where we don't exactly know what the other person will like or want. We need... an ice breaker exercise." Chloe joked. She just wanted to relax Beca.                        
  It worked. She laughed. "An ice breaker. Yeah."                        
  "So let's just do it." Chloe said.                        
  "Do what?"                        
  "It. We'll get it out the way. Get all the nerves out. I won't be your dominant. You'll just be Beca and I'll be Chloe."                       
  Beca looked down at her feet and drew lines in the carpet with her big toe. The idea was weird but it could work. If she could explore and work her kinks out without the pressure of having to be a good submissive then maybe she would feel better about the entire ordeal.Beca nodded. "Okay."
  "Okay." Chloe said in agreement.

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