Another Day, Another Top Dollar

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The chilly air was nothing a light jacket couldn't fix. Cassie hugged her purse tight to her shoulder as she walked through the low lit streets to the Pendulum Bar, sister location of the Pit but a more tasteful business venture. Her red ponytail flopped as she walked. She heard a man whistle from one of the alleys but paid no mind to it. Just another perk of living in the dump she called home.
As Cassie got to the bar, she waved a friendly hello to the bouncer, Franky. He gave her a curt nod in return. Cass opened the door and the roar of clientele burst forth. She smiled and went to the backroom.
With the recent chaos in the city, Cassie was happy to see a familiar face at the bar. She brought over a napkin and placed it in front of him. "Long day, Sarge?" Darryl Albrecht greeted the woman with a smile.
"Always. How's Sarah? Have you seen her?"
"She schmoozed her way into sleeping at my apartment again last night. I dropped her off at her mom's this morning." Cassie felt a pang of guilt knowing that she had to leave Sarah at Darla's place, but it was her mother, there was nothing she could do. For a moment, she remembered the brief conversation she had with Eric. 'I want to adopt Sarah,' he said to her. 'I really wish we could. We could all be one big happy family.' Eric had such a big heart, it was one of the most admirable things about him.
"Earth to Cass! You all right?" Darryl asked, waving a hand over Cassie's face.
"Sorry, just looking forward to getting off work. I'm done at seven tonight because of all the shit going down lately."
"You deserve it. And I deserve a cold one for all my hard work today keeping this city safe."
"Yeah, yeah, okay, Sarge. Coming right up." As Cassie turned to grab a pint glass, she saw him. He sauntered in as if he owned the place... because he did. This was the first time she had seen the long haired gang leader in person. Whispers spread about the bar area.
"That's really Top Dollar?" One man asked.
"He's taller than I expected." Another man said, tugging at his collar.
"Yeah, and sexier too." The blonde at the end of the bar said. She pulled the top of her mini dress down to expose more of her cleavage. She stood with a jiggle and bounced her way toward him. Top Dollar stood there for a moment, close to the Asian woman next to him and a tall man, whom Cassie observed reminded her of Candyman. Bouncy Blonde tried to speak with Top Dollar but was met with a hand, and the Asian woman hissed at her. Bouncy looked as if she would cry at any moment before she bolted out the door of the bar.
Top Dollar began to walk, slowly and methodically, toward the bar. Cassie straightened her back and tidied her crimson hair. "An old fashioned, Gingerbread. Bring it upstairs." He said, then turned and ascended the stairs. As he disappeared, the crowd collectively let out a breath.
"You be careful, Cass. That man is bad news." Darryl chirped out of the near silence.
"Don't I know it. This is the first time I've seen him set foot in the Pendulum, and I've been working here for almost four years." Cassie got that faraway look again. "Eric always hated that I worked here."
"Well, you've got to make money somehow, right?"
Darryl finished his drink and politely asked for another. Cassie obliged and got together the old fashioned. With shaking hands and shaking knees, Cassie ascended the stairs.
The room was dimly lit, and large. A long dining table sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by chairs. Top Dollar sat at the head of the table; his Asian friend sprawled on the table itself like it was a bed or a lounge chair. Cassie stepped forward into some of the scarce light. "Bring it here." Top Dollar commanded, motioning for Cassie to approach. She swallowed and followed orders.
Cassie set the glass down on a small coaster she brought up with her. "Here you are, sir. People don't usually order an old fashioned anymore. I took you as a brandy man rather than whiskey." She smiled and stepped back. Top Dollar wrapped his fingers around the glass and brought it to his lips. A small smile appeared.
"You did well, Gingerbread." Cassie gave a smile in return and turned on heel toward the exit. "Wait a second. Come back." Cassie stood in front of the long haired man and his entourage. "Your name."
"Cassidy Drake, sir."
"I'll remember that, Miss Drake. You may go. Enjoy your night." Top Dollar waved his hand in a dismissive manner. Cassie gave a nod and descended the stairs. Thankfully, it was only minutes to seven o'clock.


Darryl Albrecht chose to escort Cassie back home, considering the surprise at work and the chaos in the streets. She wrapped her arm under Darryl's as they strode to her home. Of course, like he always insisted, they stopped at the small hot dog stand on the way. And Darryl was always buying.
Soon the doors of her small apartment stood in front of them, and Cassie bid Darryl good night with a mustard infused kiss on the cheek. He waited for the door to close before starting his way back to his own home.
Cassie locked the door as soon as it shut behind her. She tidied the apartment and wiped a few surfaces before turning on her record player and settling in for the night.
To celebrate her early night home, Cassie slipped into her favorite nightgown. It was worn but comfortable: black knee length negligee with small rips and tears that were never fixed. Happily, she curled up in bed with one of the newest horror novels she picked up from the tiny book store a few blocks over.
The sky had turned to a near pitch black, no stars to be seen, and with the roar of the impending thunder, Cassie decided to call it a night.


CRASH! The clap of the thunder could shatter eardrums. Cassie sat up, clutching her comforter to her chest. A few minutes passed and she began to relax. She tried to fall back asleep, but the images in her brain persisted. She hated to relive that scene. It was that night all over again, and her dreams forced her to remember.

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