An Unexpected Visit

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Cassie jolted off the bed, spinning to see the unknown man.
But the bed was empty.
She heard her window slam shut just before the thunder roared. Sprinting to it, she pushed up the glass pane. The rain soaked her face instantly, wetting her nightgown. She caught that last bit of a black coat enter the alleyway across the street.
Another crash of lightning lit up the street. The man in the black coat was gone.


All the next day, Cassie was in a daze. The sky was dark as if the clouds insisted the sun take a vacation. The rain would return soon, so hoped she would make it in time.
Her dream from the previous night, of the man in her room, felt so familiar. As if it had been real. Perhaps it was.
Cassie went about her day with the reminder of the anniversary always in the back of her mind. It seemed everything reminded her of him.
After a long, hot shower, she prepared for a night out in the dark city. A deep blue dress with simple black pumps was what she decided on. Eric had loved this dress, so it was only appropriate she wear it for him. In her stained mirror, she watched herself and remembered the moment he first saw it.


Cassie walked the street in her ankle-length coat, shielding herself from the chill in the air. She was excited to finally meet Eric's girlfriend, Shelly, whom he had recently found an apartment with. Wearing heels wasn't the best choice, she thought. But she pressed on.
It had been several months since Cassie had seen her childhood friend, and so much had changed. A new job, a new apartment, a new beginning. While Eric was on a small tour with Hangman's Joke, he had met Shelly and was immediately enamored. She followed the band from city to city, going on dates whenever Eric had the chance to get away. He said it was like love at first sight when he spoke to Cass on the phone the week before.
"I couldn't be more happy for you, Eric." There was a tinge of sadness behind her words. Being in love with Eric since they were kids, she had felt some jealousy before. This time, there was something else she felt. She knew this was something special.
"We're moving into an apartment next week in L.A. I can't wait for you to meet her. Shelly is just like you."
"If you love her, I'm sure I'll love her too."
Cassie stood in front of the apartment door, readying herself to meet Eric's new love. Finally, she knocked. In an instant, Eric stood at the door, a grin spread across his face so wide she thought it would split his mouth in two. His shirt was half buttoned, like always, and his leather pants matched his thick boots. He looked as handsome as ever. "Duckling!" He elated and ran to hug her with a tight squeeze.
"Hey there, Eric! Watch, you're gonna squeeze out my lungs!" She giggled as Eric let go.
"Come in, let me take your coat." Eric pushed the door closed, and turned to take her coat. As it slipped from her shoulders, the blue slip dress revealed, hugging her wide curves. Eric's jaw nearly dropped. "You look amazing, as always." His voice was low and deep. Cassie's red lips turned into a sweet smile.
Suddenly, she heard footsteps. A female figure in a deep red dress stood, backlit by the fading sun. Chocolate hair framed her round face, and a small smirk played on her lips. "You must be Cassidy Drake," she began, extending her arms out to hold her hands. "It is an honor to meet Eric's best friend. He was always talking about you on tour, I'm so blessed to finally meet you. We're going to be fast friends! I'm Shelly." She quickly wrapped her arms around Cassie. They all smiled, happy for new beginnings.


Cassidy's happy memory was only a moment long when she was startled by a knock at the door. Sarah's awfully early, she thought as she walked toward the apartment door. "How did you get here so fast--?"
As Cass swung the door open, she found herself face to face with someone she wouldn't have expected in a million years.
"Mister Top Dollar, sir." Her words came out in a stutter. "To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?"
"Well, you see, Gingerbread, I went to the Pendulum but the bartender tonight just couldn't get my old fashioned right. And I'll tell you, tonight I really needed one. May I come in?"
Cassidy was at a loss for words. All she could do was step to the side and mutter, "It was my day off, sir." Top Dollar stepped into the room and looked around. Behind him, the Asian woman and his second-in-command slowly made their way in. "And you've brought guests."
"Cassidy Drake, meet my number two, Grange, and my sister Myca."
"Your sister?"
"My father's daughter." He responded simply as he walked in and sat in her chair. Myca looked Cassie in the eyes.
"Her eyes are quite pretty. I've never seen a shade of brown like this." As she stared, Myca looked down at the rest of her shape. "She is a pretty one." She walked over to Top Dollar and kissed him, slowly sitting on his lap.
"I'm afraid her eyes are off the table, sweetheart."
Grange silently walked in and seated himself next to Top Dollar. Trying to keep her cool, Cassie walked into the kitchen and made the cocktail, thankful she still had brandy in the cabinet, before asking if anyone else would like a drink. After no response, she brought out the drink for the gang leader. He sipped it, and let out a calming sigh.
"Yet another perfect drink, Miss Drake." He took another sip. "You must be curious as to why I'm here."
"Well, yes, sir, I must admit." Cass's heart felt it would explode out her chest.
"I've come to offer you a job opportunity. I'm having a little get together tomorrow night at the Pit. I need a good bartender for the night. I can offer you a more substantial pay for your work. And if you do well enough, it could be a permanent position."
Cassie was speechless for a moment, trying to process the last few minutes.
"May I have some time to think about my answer, sir?" Her voice was mousy.
"Of course." Top Dollar finished his drink, then arose from the chair with his sister and Grange following suit. "I look forward to seeing that pretty face tomorrow with your answer." He reached a hand out to caress her cheek. His eyes lingered on hers for a long moment before he turned and left. Before she closed the door, Myca turned to look back at Cassie in the doorway. She blew her a kiss, and descended the stairs.
Soon after, Sarah came bolting to the apartment. She found the door unlocked and entered with a smile. "Cass? You ready?" Cassie was in the kitchen next to a basket on the table. Sarah stood in the doorway, flowers in hand. They smiled at each other with solemn eyes.
"Let's go, sweety. Eric and Shelly are waiting."

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