Chapter 5: Proving One's Worth

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Upon returning to the capital (F/N) hears about a martial arts tournament that someone named General Esdeath is holding with a cash prize. After asking Rin about General Esdeath he finds out that she is one of the most powerful people in the empire and has a reputation for being very brutal to her enemies. Rin also mentioned that she is loved by her subordinates. According to rumors Esdeath has formed a group of teigu equipped people from around the empire to eliminate Night Raid. This sounds like a job (F/N) could do as Ogre had recommended him for just that. Hearing this (F/N) decided to join the tournament hoping to at least win some money and possibly get a job if he does well enough.

(F/N) is now standing at the registration desk to see Seryu is the one at the desk. When she sees him she says, "Oh it is you (F/N). I suppose this is a good chance to earn some money for you." (F/N) replies, "Yeah I could not pass it up since I am still kind of broke. I managed to get some food by hunting danger beasts, but still am lacking in terms of a place to sleep." Seryu says, "Well good luck. I am sure if you could beat Captain Ogre that none of these competitors will give you too much trouble. I am supposed to get your occupation from you, but I guess you are unemployed so we will go with that." (F/N) sighs, "Sure why not. My hope is that I could get a job out of this, although that is a stretch." Seryu replies, "Are you interested in joining the Jaegers?" (F/N) knowing this is the name of the Night Raid hunting group replies, "I am since I may be able to not have to bribe someone to get that job." Seryu says, "You are in luck. I am a member of the Jaegers and will put a good word in for you. If you can win this tournament I bet that will be enough to convince the captain of adding you on." Hearing this makes (F/N) extra determined to win the tournament.

As the tournament gets underway (F/N) is careful to watch all of the competitors to learn what they are capable of. He notices that most of them rely on strength in attacking and sees that as his advantage. All he will need to do is outmaneuver them and he can win easily by dodging. Since (F/N) is also strong in his own regard he sees this as an easy tournament to win.

In the second to last match of the day (F/N) is up against a guy named George the singer. The announcer says, "Alright in this match we have George the singer against (F/N) the unemployed." George laughs saying, "You don't even have a job. This is rich. You should just go die in a hole in the ground." (F/N) doesn't say anything in return. The match gets underway and George charges at (F/N). (F/N) dodges and delivers a strong punch to George's temple. This knocks George out in one strike. The announcer then says, "After only two seconds that winner is (F/N) the unemployed." He then walks up to (F/N) and says, "Jeez you don't look it, but you are really strong." (F/N) says, "Thanks for the compliment I usually hunt danger beasts for food so taking on a human is really not much of a challenge." Then the announcer then sends him off and has the next contestants come to the ring.

"Now for our final match of the day we have Kalbi the butcher against Tatsumi the blacksmith," the announcer says. Kalbi says, "You don't stand a chance against me. You are so small. Before I got kicked out I was a level nine master at the Imperial Fist temple." Tatsumi has a determined look in his eyes. The match begins. Tatsumi quickly pushes Kalbi back in the fight and then jumps and delivers a strong kick to Kalbi's head. With that Kalbi is knocked unconscious. As soon as Tatsumi wins the crowd starts cheering and he lets out a big smile.

To everyone's surprise General Esdeath comes down to the field herself and walks up to Tatusmi. She says, "Allow me to give you your prize." (F/N) thinks, "Wait this is only the first day. Why is he automatically winning? Was this rigged?" Then to Tatusmi's and (F/N)'s surprise Esdeath puts a collar around Tatsumi and drags him out of the arena saying that he is now hers. He tries to resist and gets knocked out and carried back to the Jaegers' base.

Once at the Jaegers' base Tatsumi is tied to a chair in front of all of the Jaegers. Esdeath introduces him saying, "This is Tatsumi, he will be going with us as a reserve member and as my lover. Do any of you have any experience in relationships?" One of the Jaegers who is very tall and wearing a white mask raises his hand. Another member, who is named Wave and served as the announcer during the tournament says, "Really you have a girlfriend." The man named Bols replies, "Oh yes a wife actually. I also have a daughter." Esdeath asks, "So what can I do to get Tatsumi to return my affection?" Bols replies, "You have to keep at it. I had to propose twice before my dear wife accepted me. If you keep putting forth effort it will pay off. It may take some time though." Esdeath says, "Thank you." as she writes this down in a notebook.

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