Get the girl

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So, this chapter is like a sequel to the "Kiss the girl" chapter. But this one, me and this girl were actually dating. This chapter took place in 6th grade on a Friday. But I'll bring up the events before the girl. 5th period P.E I met this girl named Jerrilyn. We became good friends and and talked a lot. Then, this kid name Chris came along and started to like Jerrilyn. Which was fine by me because I didn't like her at the time. They got together on a Wednesday and were a "decent" couple. Then, next Thursday. Chris messed up big time. I won't tell you about it cause it don't matter. After Chris messed up, they broke up. The next day after they broke up (which was Friday why didn't I just put Friday) 5th period (which was P.E in case you forgot) Jerrilyn and I got together, (woohoo)

I was a better person for Her. We were a better couple. During the days we were dating Chris hated me more and more. The only thing I didn't like about Jerrilyn was that she was depressed. Like SUPER depressed. Wanting to die, wanting people to hit her,. I really hated that. But I good relationships are not meant to last that long. Well, for me at least. Jerrilyn and I got together 5th period on a Friday. And broke up 10 days later 5th period. (I guess major things happen during 5th period sometimes) I found out on Tuesday that Jerrilyn broke up with me because of a "dare" still don't believe that. But what really pissed me off the most was that she got back with Chris. SHE GOT BACK WITH THE GUY WHO DIDN'T TREAT HER RIGHT! But I shouldn't hate that she broke up with me. I'm a little bit relieved that I don't have to sit through her being depressed. So Chris if you are out there and you see this somehow. Thank you.

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