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Ever since that last workshop, things had been great. Mew finally let go and let himself fall into character, which matched perfectly with Gulfs interpretation of his own character. This was all in great timing, as shooting for the first episode was just about to begin.

Mew still kept his distance though. Not in a rude way, but he made sure not to become too close with Gulf outside of acting. And it was a hard thing to do, as Gulf was a really nice and genuinely fun guy to be around.

Mew walked onto set for the very first time, and it was everything he could've imagined. Filming for the first episode would likely take a long time as the whole cast and crew had to get used to this atmosphere, but it was an exciting thought.

Gulf on the other hand was a bit bewildered. This was his first time experiencing such a thing, and he was nervous that he would be the one to mess up. He didn't want to seem unprofessional or inexperienced, even though in reality, he was inexperienced.

"Hey! Gulf!"

It was Mew, with a huge smile on his face. Gulf instantly felt comforted as he realized that even if he messed up, he would have Mew by his side the whole time. Though Gulf knew they weren't super close, they were close enough in his mind.

"Hey! Are you excited?" Gulf tried to push down his nerves. But Mew could sense it.

"Yeah actually I'm really nervous, which must sound weird because I've done this before but hey guess we can't help but have nerves sometimes, right?"

Gulf knew what Mew was trying to do, but he appreciated it nonetheless.

"Right! Anyways we should probably get to hair and makeup"

Mew nodded along as they walked to hair and makeup, both feeling a little better about the day ahead of them.

Shooting was mostly easy, as it was all of the scenes they have gone over many times. And many of these early scenes were easier, as it was all anger for Type and playfulness from Tharn. The only scene that seemed to cause any trouble was the last of the episode.

"Cut! Gulf, Type is supposed to be drunk and asleep so he should be very unresponsive. Try not to respond to the kiss!"

It was hard honestly, and Gulf didn't know why. It's weird not to respond to a kiss, and hell Mew was good at it. But Gulf tried his best, and eventually he was able to hear the words 'Cut' followed by 'that's a wrap for today!'

"Hey, great job today! Really, you are amazing for this to be your first project"

Mew knew how to compliment.

"Thank you. I was nervous but you really helped, so thank you."

Gulf had the cutest doe eyes. Mew didn't want to say goodbye for the night.

"Hey are you busy tonight—

Mew what are you doing

—and if you're not too tired—

God please Mew stop yourself

—maybe we could go out for some celebratory drinks?"

You've done it Mew you really have, it's over for you.

"That sounds great!"

Screwed. That's what you are.


And that's how Mew and Gulf found themselves at the bar, just the two of them, after filming the first episode. Mew was older than Gulf by a good amount, so he felt that he should be the responsible one. And he also didn't want to do anything stupid that he would regret the next morning. So he made sure to drink a little less, and encourage Gulf to drink a little more.

After about an hour Gulf was what one would call tipsy. And he seemed to be rambling about his life, friends, and family until he reached a different topic—his girlfriend.

"Yeah I have a girlfriend...we have been together for a while mmm she wasn't too sure about me taking this job but I told her it's an opportunity! A good one! And of course she couldn't change my mind. I'm so glad I took this job anyways, everyone is so nice. Yes. My girlfriend doesn't mind anymore. She's busy with work. Real busy."

Mew just sat back and listened. He had a girlfriend. That was good to know. Honestly it was great in some ways. It was a reality check. Mew didn't need to hold back from their friendship. Gulf was straight and he was taken. That was enough to keep Mew from feeling anything. This was different than his past.

"C'mon buddy I think it's time we go home."

Mew slung his arm over Gulf and walked him out to his car, shoving him in the front seat.

"Thank you Mew, for today, and for tonight really you are like a great big brother"

That cemented it for Mew. Big brother . He could do that. He could be that for Gulf. This was different than his past.

"No problem Gulf, now where do you want me to take you?"

"Can we just go back to your place?"

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