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"You don't talk to me like that." Yeonjun said, his voice was cold and harsh, it gave shivers through Beomgyu's spine. Plus, the grip on his wrist was tight as well, yet, the smaller boy was still frozen on his spot. That is until Yeonjun tilts his head to face the boy eye to eye, Beomgyu nearly gasped loudly seeing how there's this fire like aspect in his gaze. 'Scary ass bitch.'

'Is he the one Guanlin talking about? He mentioned he's scary as well abd the other tried to shut him off, enough for me to dive in with the few informations.' Beomgyu thought, averting his eyes away from Yeonjun and towards the ground to his right. 'He talks rude as well, especially to Jeongin, that was really harsh!'

"Who are you to talk like that to him?" Beomgyu said with an angry and sad voice, the color of the sunset gradients to his snow white skin. "Also, stop talking to people in that kind of way, its not motivating them, it's making then more scared of you!" This time, he decided to face him, and his own eyes widened. A fist was already coming his way, straight to his face, but before that even happens a voice stopped Yeonjun from punching him.

"Hey, you two, are you still gonna stay in here? The sun is setting, tsk, youth." The janitor said as he passed by them and walked away after he half scolded them. Beomgyu watched the man dissapear in sight before looking back to Yeonjun, he was gasping since it really shocked him he thought he was gonna get into a fight. He spoke up with all his confidence, "T-Try being nice, you know." His voice was soft.

Yeonjun looks down and lets go of the boy's frail wrist, "You don't tell me what to do, loudspeaker." He then turns for a leave. The nickname- or for Beomgyu, it was more like an insult, made him yelp and furious. "Oi! I'm not a speaker alright?" He yells, well, he is loud so obviously he is likely one of it. He watch him ignore his words and walk away like nothing happened.

Beomgyu huffs and decided to walk out of the school too, he remembered that Yuna wasn't going to pick him up since she doesn't want to. His mother also said that he should learn how to commute all by himself. But before he could even step out of the gates, he heard a voice from behind so he turns to face that person, "Oh, Hyunjin! Where are the others?"

Hyunjin smiles to him, "Well, they left already." He said as they started to walk, "Say, do you wanna go to the convenience store? Since we're both new, we should know each other." Ofcourse, Beomgyu agreed. So, the two of them went to the nearest store and bought some snack and drinks of their own. There was a bench outside of it so they decided to take a seat.

"So, how long have you been playing volleyball?" Beomgyu asks first, he took a bite of his nachos. Hyunjin chuckles and sighs after, tapping his index finger on the canned drink he had in hand. "Since I was in 5th grade." Beomgyu's eyes widened as he choked on his drink, looking up at Hyunjin with an amazed and surprised look. "Really? Woah! Was it cool? Was it fun? Playing volleyball since you were a kid?"

"Alright, alright, calm down." Hyunjin laughs off, his laugh was amazing and soft. Hyunjin is tall and looks cold on the outside, especially that his eyes are hazy and he doesn't wear any expressions at all, but he is nice and a softie overall on the inside. "It was fun, I was also a transfer last year, I knew about them recruiting members from the volleyball club. Although, I couldn't join because of some rumors."

Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows, "Rumours?"

"Yes, about the boy named Choi Yeonjun, I'm sure you know him."

"Yeah, that scumbag shit." Beomgyu huffs as he was reminded of what happened earlier.

"Well, they say a few have joined in but eventually left not even a week had passed, its because of Yeonjun." Hyunjin said with a low chuckle seeing Beomgyu looks serious as he listen to him. "Their last game happened last two years ago, Yeonjun got into a fight during a match. He punched his teammate for being not that good enough, they got disqualified and has been the talk in the whole campus and in a few schools who were watching that time."

Fight, so that's why everyone is scared of him and wouldn't join volleyball. Beomgyu now knows why no one wants to join as a new member, sure, he is also scared of him especially that time where he almost punched him on the face. It made him nervous and furious, if it wasn't for the janitor to suddenly appear his face would be beaten up by now. "So, why did you join now?"

"Because I miss it, I miss playing it." Hyunjin said, the younger can hear the sadness in his voice. He doesn't want someone to wear a frown and be sad, he wants everyone to be happy, and that's why he's entitled as the mood maker back in his previous school. "You're cool! You're so amazing especially when you give a spike, like damn, how do you even do that? Your serves are the best too!" He compliments.

The compliments made Hyunjin blush and embarrassed, he wasn't used to any of that. "U-Uh, thanks, you don't have to do that." He chuckles awkwardly.

"Well, I don't like seeing people sad and all worn out. So, I will do anything to make someone put on a smile!" Beomgyu exclaims, Hyunjin automatically smiles upon hearing it, hope. Hope was drawn over his face.

"Try it out on Yeonjun, you might change him, hopefully." He said and that made Beomgyu froze, he sighs and shrugged, he hopes he does but he just couldn't. That guys is one of a scary ass shit he had ever seen. "Oh well." Was all he said as they laughed and continued their small talk.

But, Beomgyu had it in mind though. Give it a try, there's nothing bad with second chances.

I was kind of thinking about Hyunjin being Yeonjun's rival against winning Beomgyu's heart aaaaaaaaa hshshs. What do you guys think?

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